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Contraception and Protecting your self from Infection/Disease.

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Presentation on theme: "Contraception and Protecting your self from Infection/Disease."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contraception and Protecting your self from Infection/Disease

2 1. You can’t get pregnant if you have sex on your period 2. Condoms will always prevent you from getting pregnant 3. You can usually tell if someone has a sexually transmitted infection 4. You can’t get a sexually transmitted infection from oral sex 5. A girl can’t get pregnant if she is on top

3 6. A wallet is a good place to store a condom 7. Condoms last in the package for several years 8. Using oil, hand cream or Vaseline with a condom is a good way to lubricate it 9. HIV is only passed through vaginal sex 10. Using plastic wrap or a small bag will work if you don’t have a condom

4 11. A girl can’t get pregnant or sick if the semen just touches the outside of the body 12. If a girl is on the pill and she misses a few one month, she is still protected against pregnancy 13. A girl can’t get pregnant if the boy doesn’t ejaculate inside her (he pulls out / stops) 14. The only sure way to protect yourself from pregnancy and disease is not to have a relationship at all


6  IUD (Intra-uterine device) ▪ 1 / 100 will get pregnant  Morning-after pill ▪ 2 / 100 will get pregnant  Birth control pills (taken every day at the same time) ▪ 8 / 100 will get pregnant  Condoms (used correctly every time) ▪ 15 / 100 will get pregnant  Diaphragm ▪ 16/ 100 will get pregnant  Spermicide ▪ 29 / 100 will get pregnant  Withdrawal (pulling out) ▪ 27 / 100 will get pregnant  Temperature charting / Rhythm method ▪ 25 / 100 will get pregnant  No protection ▪ 85 / 100 will get pregnant  Abstinence ▪ 0 / 100 will get pregnant More information here: √ √ X X X X X X X Which methods also protect you against infections? X

7  What’s the most common symptom of a sexually transmitted disease / infection?  NO SYMPTOMS AT ALL! ▪ You can have an STI and never know unless you are tested ▪ Don’t risk your life! ▪ Don’t pass it on!

8  Could you...  Pass it on to someone else  Get painful sores  Become very ill  Never be able to have children (become infertile)  Get cancer  Die YES

9  In Colombia...  160,000 people were living with AIDS in 2010  14,000 people died in 2009 due to AIDS  You can catch HIV/AIDS from all sexual intercourse, but can you catch it from...  Shaking hands or hugging?  Sharing a toothbrush or eating from the same plate?  Kissing?  Oral sex?  Touching an infected person’s cut skin?  Sharing a needle?

10  In groups of 4:  Collect one “STD” pamphlet per group  Collect one other pamphlet on any topic per group  Read the pamphlet together  Choose an STD and write a short summary including:  What the symptoms the infection/disease causes  What happens if you don’t get treatment  How it is transmitted from one person to another  How to prevent it

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