Module 3.3 Guidance on reporting REDD+ performance using IPCC Guidelines and Guidance REDD+ training materials by GOFC-GOLD, Wageningen University, World.

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1 Module 3.3 Guidance on reporting REDD+ performance using IPCC Guidelines and Guidance REDD+ training materials by GOFC-GOLD, Wageningen University, World Bank FCPF 1 Module 3.3 Guidance on reporting REDD+ performance using IPCC guidelines and guidance Module developer: Giacomo Grassi, European Commission – Joint Research Centre Country examples: 1.Annex 1 country example of GHG inventory reporting (LULUCF) 2.Appling the conservativeness approach to the DRC example (matrix approach) – See module 2.7 V1, May 2015 Creative Commons License

2 Module 3.3 Guidance on reporting REDD+ performance using IPCC Guidelines and Guidance REDD+ training materials by GOFC-GOLD, Wageningen University, World Bank FCPF 2 1. CRF tables of Annex 1 The greenhouse gas inventory (GHGI) of an Annex I country is composed of two distinct documents:  Common reporting format (CRF) tables, which contain a time- series of GHG emission estimates (from 1990 until the year x- 2, where x is the submission year of the GHGI)  National inventory report (NIR), which includes all information on background data and methods used and the institutional arrangements underlying the preparation of the GHGI.  The GHG inventory is submitted annually and reviewed Next slides: examples of selected CRF tables for LULUCF under the Kyoto Protocol (KP)

3 Module 3.3 Guidance on reporting REDD+ performance using IPCC Guidelines and Guidance REDD+ training materials by GOFC-GOLD, Wageningen University, World Bank FCPF 3 Summary table: Coverage of reporting

4 Module 3.3 Guidance on reporting REDD+ performance using IPCC Guidelines and Guidance REDD+ training materials by GOFC-GOLD, Wageningen University, World Bank FCPF 4 Land transition matrix Cells in diagonal: those lands that where subject to the same category in the reporting year and also in the previous year Other cells: area subject to land use change in the inventor year

5 Module 3.3 Guidance on reporting REDD+ performance using IPCC Guidelines and Guidance REDD+ training materials by GOFC-GOLD, Wageningen University, World Bank FCPF 5 Key categories

6 Module 3.3 Guidance on reporting REDD+ performance using IPCC Guidelines and Guidance REDD+ training materials by GOFC-GOLD, Wageningen University, World Bank FCPF 6 Sectoral background table for C stock changes resulting from Deforestation Subdivision up to Party: type/year of conversion, climate zone, management system, soil type, vegetation type, national land classification, etc.

7 Module 3.3 Guidance on reporting REDD+ performance using IPCC Guidelines and Guidance REDD+ training materials by GOFC-GOLD, Wageningen University, World Bank FCPF 7 2. Appling the conservativeness approach to the DRC example (matrix approach) This country example is in common with country example 3 in Module 2.7 See country example included in Module 2.7

8 Module 3.3 Guidance on reporting REDD+ performance using IPCC Guidelines and Guidance REDD+ training materials by GOFC-GOLD, Wageningen University, World Bank FCPF 8 References  IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). 2000. Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. (Often IPCC GPG.) Geneva, Switzerland: IPCC.  UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.) n.d.a. “National Inventory Submissions 2013.” 3.php.  UNFCCC. n.d.b. “Inventory Review Reports 2012.”

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