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To the Roof of the world ------ Tibet 20051411 09, 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29.

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1 To the Roof of the world ------ Tibet 20051411 09, 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29

2 A Five-day Trip of Tibet Route Introduction Hotels Typical Food in Tibet Some Tips 进入

3 Five-day ’ s Route (B=breakfast, L=lunch, D=dinner, N=overnight) Day 1: Fly to Lhasa (拉萨) (拉萨) (N) Day 2: V isit the Potala ( 布达拉宫),( 布达拉宫) (B+L+D+N) Jokhang Temple (大昭寺), (大昭寺) Barkhor (八角街).八角街 Day 3: V isit the Shigase (日喀则 ),日喀则 (B+L+D+N) Gyantse (江孜县城),江孜县城 Namtso ( 纳木错 ). 纳木错 Day 4: V isit the Tashilhunpo Monastery (B+L+D+N) (扎什伦寺 ),扎什伦寺 Yarlung valley (雅鲁藏布江峡谷).雅鲁藏布江峡谷 Day 5: Lhasa airport dropping off (B) Morning Airport dropping off, end the trip. 返 回返 回

4 Day 1: Lhasa (拉萨) Lhasa airport picking up, have a good rest in the afternoon. Overnight at Lhasa.  Lhasa is the capital of the Tibet autonomous region in China. It is located at 3650 meters (12 000 feet) above sea level on the northern slopes of the Himalayas. Lhasa, which means "Land of the Gods", is the heart of Tibet. Over 1,300 years old, it sits in a valley right next to the Lhasa River. Tourist resources are plenty, good hotels, tasty restaurants, travel agencies, Chinese department stores and supermarkets, in some parts of the city, you may find no difference to other Chinese cities, but the Tibetan influence is still strong and evident, especially around the old quarters near Barkhor.




8 Day 2: The Potala (布达拉宫)  The Potala Palace is an immense structure, its interior space being in excess of 130,000 square meters. Fulfilling numerous functions, the Potala was first and foremost the residence of the Dalai Lama and his large staff. In addition, it was the seat of Tibetan government, where all ceremonies of state were held; it housed a school for religious training of monks and administrators; and it was one of Tibet's major pilgrimage destinations because of the tombs of past Dalai Lamas. Within the White Palace are two small chapels, the Phakpa Lhakhang and the Chogyal Drubphuk; dating from the seventh century, these chapels are the oldest surviving structures on the hill and also the most sacred. The Potala's most venerated statue, the Arya Lokeshvara, is housed inside the Phapka Lhakhang, and it draws thousands of Tibetan pilgrims each day.




12 Jokhang Temple (大昭寺)  The Jokhang Temple - constructed in the 7th century AD to house the statues of Buddha that princesses Bhrikuti from Nepal and Wen Cheng from Tang Dynasty China brought as gifts for their future husband, King Songtsan Gampo. The temple has been enlarged many times over the centuries and now also houses statues of King Songtsan Gambo and his two famous foreign brides. However, the original statue of Jowo Sakyamuni Buddha that Princess Wen Cheng brought from Chang’an over 1300 years ago is definitely its most sacred and famous possession, and is perhaps the most venerated religious artifact in all of Tibet. The temple, a splendid four-floor building facing west under a guilded rooftop, is located on Barkhor Square in the center of the old section of Lhasa.




16 Barkhor (八角街)  The Barkhor is essentially a pilgrim circuit which is followed clockwise round the periphery of the Jokhang. It is also a hive of market activity, an astounding jamboree, a Tibetan-style stock exchange. All round the circuit are shops, stalls, teahouses and hawkers. There is a wide variety of items to gladden a Tibetan heart-prayer flags, block prints of the holy scriptures, earrings, Tibetan boots, Nepalese biscuits, puffed rice, yak butter and incense.





21 Day 3: Shigatse (日喀则)  Shigatse was previously known as Samdruptse and the once-imposing Shigatse Dzong, or fort, (dismantled during the popular uprising of 1959), was the seat of the kings of Ü-Tsang and the capital of the province of Ü-Tsang or Tsang.In the 19th century the "Tashi" or Panchen Lama had temporal power over Tashilhunpo Monastery and three small districts, though not over the town of Shigatse itself, which was administered by two Dzongpön (Prefects) appointed from Lhasa.There were two Dzongpöns for every Dzong - a lama (Tse-dung) and a layman. They were entrusted with both civil and military powers and are equal in all respects, though subordinate to the generals and the Chinese Amban in military matters.


23 Gyantse (江孜)  Situated at the juncture of Lhasa, Shigatse and Yatung, Gyantse has always been considered a place of great strategic importance. It became particularly famous after the bloody 1904 battle fought by the Tibetans in resisting Young husband's Expedition. Remnants of the battle and a hollow made by a cannon ball can still be seen on the perimeter walls of the Dzong Ford. The kumbum Pagoda in the Palcho Monastery is a spectacular architecture of the 15th century.






29 Namtso (纳木错)  Generally the period from March to October is the best time to visit Tibet. Since Lhasa is located at such a high altitude it is wise to be prepared before starting your journey. Generally speaking, due to the large temperature differences during any given day in Tibet, warm clothes should be taken to keep away the cold. However, because it also receives a great deal of sunshine, sunglasses, suntan oil, and a sun hat are indispensable items if you're traveling anywhere in Tibet.


31 Day 4: Tashilhunpo (扎什伦布寺)  It is the seat of the Panchen Lama, founded in 1447 by Gedun-Drup, the first incarnation of the Dalai Lama and the disciple of Tsongkapa. It is the largest monastery in Shigatse proper, which once housed 3800 monks. Apart from a giant statue of the Maitreya Buddha (nearly 27 meters high) in the temple of the Maitreya, the monastery is also famed for its Grand hall with its opulent bomb(containing 85kg of gold and masses of jewels) of the 4th Panchen Lama. The First Dalai Lama,is a historic and culturally important monastery next to Shigatse, the second-largest city in Tibet. It was sacked when the Gurkhas invaded Tibet and captured Shigatse in 1791 before a combined Tibetan and Chinese army drove them back as far as the outskirts of Kathmandu, when they were forced to agree to keep the peace in future, pay tribute every five years, and return what they had looted from Tashilhunpo. The monastery is the traditional seat of successive Panchen Lamas, the second highest ranking tulku lineage in the Gelukpa tradition. The "Tashi" or Panchen Lama had temporal power over three small districts, though not over the town of Shigatse itself, which was administered by a dzongp ö n (prefect) appointed from Lhasa. Located on a hill in the center of the city, the full name in Tibetan of the monastery means: "all fortune and happiness gathered here" or "heap of glory".





36 Yarlung valley (雅鲁藏布大峡谷)  Namcha Barwa is considered one of Tibet's most inaccessible peaks. Beautiful to behold in its impenetrable serenity, it still remains the highest unclimbed peak of the Himalayas. The bulk of its massif causes the East flowing Tsangpo River, the highest flowing river in the world, to make a huge loop around the mountain to flow southward into India where it becomes the mighty westward flowing Brahmaputra. Beginning in Lhasa and taking in a preliminary route through Samye and Tsedang, we follow the course of the Tsangpo close to the disputed Indian border area to arrive at the village of Lusha near the big bend in the river. Passing through villages of the Loba people (a Tibetan minority group), we make our ways through the forested region of Pei to the Namcha Barwa Base Camp. The relatively low altitude of the base camp area (1600m.) affords astounding views of the vertical snow capped peak of Namcha Barwa (7756m.)



39 Yaluzangbu Grand Hotel 雅鲁藏布大酒店

40 Jardin Secret Hotel 雅汀舍丽花园酒店

41 Xinding Hotel 西藏新鼎大酒店

42 Jiumu Yamei International Hotel 日喀则久木亚美国际大酒店

43 Manasarozar Hotel 拉萨神湖酒店













56 Tour service includes: 1.Meals: 13 meals 2.Transport: Bus or Minivan available 3.Accommodation: standard tour 4N with 3 star hotel standard room; luxurious tour 4N with 4 star hotel standard room. 4.Guide: Chinese, English speaking guide available 5. Entrance tickets 6. Tibet entry permit 7. Airfares

57 TIPS TO GIVE 1.You need to apply for the travel permit at least 10 days prior to your entry date, which means you should prepare all the information and documents in hand before this period of time. 2.Those people who have high blood pressure, heart disease, asthma are not suited to Tibet. 3.As the Tibet is located in Tibetan Plateau, please bear in mind: walk slowly and less open your mouth, more sleep, do not drink alcohol, and be careful to prevent a cold. 4.We do suggest casual attire and layered clothing. In the day time you may need only a T-shirt or at most a jacket, but at night you may need a coat.

58 Tips to Avoid AMS (Acute Mountain Sickness) 1.No nerves and keep the good spirit. 2.Avoid catching a cold. 3.Make sure you have a good sleep before flying to Lhasa. 4.You'd better not to take any activities for the first day in Tibet. 5.After getting off your airplane at the airport, walk slowly, take some deep breath. Do not do anything severely. 6.Ascend to higher altitude gradually. Do not ascend any higher if you feel bad. 7.Prepare some AMS pills according to your doctor's suggestion


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