Nutrients – A Problem-Based Learning Project Done by: Gao Wenqi Tnay Chong Kiang.

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrients – A Problem-Based Learning Project Done by: Gao Wenqi Tnay Chong Kiang."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrients – A Problem-Based Learning Project Done by: Gao Wenqi Tnay Chong Kiang

2 Contents Dietary importance, principal sources, and deficiency symptoms for carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins C and D, calcium, iron, fibre, and water. The correlation of energy intake with age, sex, and activity of an individual. Identify dietary needs of students who are from String Orchestra. Discuss ways to achieve the above.

3 Dietary Needs Vitamin C –Also known as ascorbic acid –Comes from citrus fruits and fresh vegetables –A person suffering from Vitamin C deficiency is characterized by bleeding, swollen, or infected gums. –One of the problems caused by deficiency of Vitamin C is scurvy

4 Dietary Needs Vitamin D –Also known as Calciferol –Comes from fish, egg yolk, and the skin, which produces Vitamin D under the morning sun –Results of deficiency in Vitamin D include bowed legs and a deformed spine.

5 Dietary Needs Calcium –Comes from Dairy products Green leafy vegetables –Helps in Blood coagulation Metabolism of minerals Needed for muscles and building bones. –Deficiency in calcium could lead to osteoporosis and rickets

6 Dietary Needs Iron –Comes mainly from fish, eggs, and also some of the green leafy vegetables –Required for many proteins –Is an important component of hemoglobin, and cellular tissues –Deficiency could lead to anemia Iron is very important in the building of red blood cells

7 Dietary Needs Carbohydrates –Primary source of energy –Most abundant of the four major classes of bio-molecules –Numerous roles in living things, such as the storage and transport of energy –Carbohydrates break down fatty acids and prevents ketosis –Fruits, vegetables, and grains such as rice are all high in carbohydrate contents.

8 Dietary Needs Fats –Next source of energy the body uses –Are a good source of energy –Should not be eaten in large amounts Because of the harmful effects of stored fats in the long run –Nuts are a rich source of fats by percentage –Meat and butter also make good sources of fats

9 Dietary Needs Proteins –Required to make hemoglobins as well –Muscles, organs, and the immune system are made up mostly of proteins –Crucial role in the formation of DNA and hormones –Good sources of proteins are seafood, eggs, and beans.

10 Energy Requirements Energy requirements –Vary with age, gender, and daily activities of a person Because different amounts of energy are needed for different activities, including rate of metabolism of the body –The general recommendations for the daily energy intake for male teenagers is 2800 calories –Athletic students would require an even higher calorie intake –This is why choices regarding our diets have to be made carefully

11 Stall Analysis This section evaluates the nutritional value of two dishes of a stall in the school canteen We have chosen to evaluate the Chicken Rice Stall in our school canteen –The two dishes to be evaluated are the Chicken Rice, and the Hor Fun.

12 Stall Analysis Chicken Rice –Contains a sufficient amount of energy for the average students –Amount of protein it provides can also suffice. –However, the amount of carbohydrates it gives could be more –Amount of saturated fats could be less –Dietary fibre is also present in a small amount –Amount of iron it gives is far too little –Amount of calcium present for a dish like chicken rice is good.

13 Stall Analysis Hor Fun –Could be larger amounts of dietary nutrients, including the proteins, fats, and carbohydrate –Amount of dietary fibre is sufficient –Should also be more iron –Amount of calcium for a dish like Hor Fun is high. –Vitamin C is lacking in this dish –The cholestrol of this should also be watched, because it is relatively high.

14 Target Students String Orchestra –Students in an EP3 such as string orchestra would only require an average amount of energy as for teenagers of the same age –Therefore, the amounts of energy provided in the above two dishes would suffice –Vitamins and mineral salts should be added. –There should also be attempts to make these dishes healthier, by cutting down on the amount of saturated fats and cholesterol.

15 Dish Improvement Extra ingredients could be added to the main dishes to increase the amount of mineral salts in the dishes –For example, small amounts of pig liver could be added, to increase the amount of iron present in the dishes –Similarly, for Vitamin C, fresh green leafy vegetables could be added Secondly, the dishes could be made healthier by skinning the chicken used in the Chicken Rice –This can reduce the amount of unhealthy fats present in the dish Costs of the dishes should not rise too much –Improved dishes would only be including some extra ingredients –Therefore, final prices should be well affordable

16 References nutrition/57_1207/vitamin-deficiency.html nutrition/57_1207/vitamin-deficiency.html 2.rhtml 2.rhtml of-proteins.html of-proteins.html teens.htm teens.htm


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