3rd of December, 2004 E-POC II European Pool against Organized Crime In the context of AGIS Programme Kick off meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "3rd of December, 2004 E-POC II European Pool against Organized Crime In the context of AGIS Programme Kick off meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 3rd of December, 2004 E-POC II European Pool against Organized Crime In the context of AGIS Programme Kick off meeting

2 European Pool against Organized CrimeE-POC II kick off meeting 2 Provisional agenda 09.30: Welcome address 09.40: The new E-POC II project 10.15: Data normalization rules to compare identities of people involved in different cases - presentation and general discussion 10.45: Coffee break 11.00: Specific support to treat cases of particular interest on cross border serious and organized crime: terrorism, drug trafficking, traffic in human beings - presentation and general discussion 11.45: Authomatic mechanisms to link cases – presentation and discussion 12.15: F easible solutions to enable secure data exchange between Eurojust and project partners – presentation and discussion 13.00: Lunch 14.30: Demonstration of Eurojust’s CMS 15.30: Coffee break 15.45: Project management organization in Eurojust to support E-POC II 16.00: Evolution of CMS to comply with Eurojust’s internal needs 16.30: Final discussion 17.30: Meeting end

3 European Pool against Organized CrimeE-POC II kick off meeting 3 E-POC II Project proposal  Presented in the context of AGIS Programme in February 2004  Original title: E-DIKE – European wide Development of Investigative Cooperation with Eurojust  Renamed E-POC II  Proposed budget amount: 279.432,30 Euro  Time period: 1st of October, 2004 – 31st of December, 2005  Partners:  Italian Ministry of Justice – Coordinator  Eurojust  France Ministry of Justice  Romanian Ministry of Justice  Slovenian Ministry of Justice  CM Sistemi

4 European Pool against Organized CrimeE-POC II kick off meeting 4 E-POC II background information  Successful outcome of E-POC project  Delivery of the Case Management System for Eurojust, starting from the E-POC prototype  Approval of E-POC II

5 European Pool against Organized CrimeE-POC II kick off meeting 5 E-POC II strategic goals  Coverage of Eurojust internal needs  Workflow details  Data Protection Officer needs  Specific support for cases on  terrorism  drug trafficking  traffic in human beings  Study of feasible solutions to enable secure data exchange between Eurojust and project partners  Final dissemination seminar

6 European Pool against Organized CrimeE-POC II kick off meeting 6 Topics of interest  Detailed workflow management in Eurojust and its relationships with practical cases  Adaptation to the new Rules of procedures  “ Phase II ” requirements  Further requirements coming from the usage of the Case Management System in Eurojust  Authomatic mechanisms to link cases to improve the cooperation between National members, according to the specific data organization in Eurojust (Index of data, TWFs)  Specific functions to support the Data Protection Officer of Eurojust  Specific support to treat cases of particular interest on cross border serious and organized crime: terrorism, drug trafficking, traffic in human beings  Data normalization rules to compare identities of people involved in different cases  Study of feasible solutions to enable secure data exchange between Eurojust and project partners

7 European Pool against Organized CrimeE-POC II kick off meeting 7 Project plan octnovdecjanfebmaraprmayjunjulagosep months Specification of the software system Deployment of the first software version in Eurojust and at partners’ points of usage 20042005 Development of the first software version Final dissemination seminar oct nov dec Specification of particular areas of interest Development of the final software version Deployment of the final software version meetings First software version Final software version

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