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ALPINE SEARCH AND RESCUE FOR SLOVENIA AND ITALY. ALPSAR IN SHORT  Budget: € 404.387,00  EC Contribution: € 303.290,25 (75%)  Duration: 24 Months 

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Presentation on theme: "ALPINE SEARCH AND RESCUE FOR SLOVENIA AND ITALY. ALPSAR IN SHORT  Budget: € 404.387,00  EC Contribution: € 303.290,25 (75%)  Duration: 24 Months "— Presentation transcript:


2 ALPSAR IN SHORT  Budget: € 404.387,00  EC Contribution: € 303.290,25 (75%)  Duration: 24 Months  Theme: Preparedness / Improve the effectiveness of emergency response by enhancing the preparedness and awareness of civil protection professionals and volunteers  Three partners:  HITEC Luxembourg S.A. Coordinating beneficiary  Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (URSZR) Associated beneficiary  Protezione civile della Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia (PCRAFVG) Associated beneficiary

3 COORDINATING BENEFICIARY  HITEC Luxembourg S.A. is a Luxembourg company, serving a wide range of industries and specialised engineering and technology markets in the private and public sectors, both nationally and internationally  HITEC Luxembourg developed a set of tools and services dedicated to Public Safety and Security, and more particularly Solutions to increase situation awareness and collaboration in Search and Rescue Missions

4 ASSOCIATED BENEFICIARY  The Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (ACPDR)  the competent national authority for disaster management, organized within the Ministry of Defence.  It is a governmental and non-profit organization founded in 1991. Its main task is to organize, develop and implement administrative, technical and other professional duties related to the national disaster management system.  Civil Protection of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region  Main activities are focused on the protection of citizens and environment against natural risks (seismic, hydraulic, hydrogeologic, wildland fire) and Search and Rescue actions.  It is a regional governmental and non-profit organization born in 1986. It is based on the regional 24h Operative Centre of Palmanova that organize and coordinate the civil protection volunteers and regional forces.

5  Improve the effectiveness of emergency response by:  Implementing the Protocol between both Slovene and PCRAFVG Mountain Rescue Services to improve coordination  Provide a full and common tracking system including 2D and 3D visualisation  Improve the situation awareness of both tactical and coordination teams by sharing mission based information via:  The deployment of mobile application for the teams on site  The deployment of web-based tools for the coordination entities  The services offered will be picture, maps and location based information in complement with the existing voice communication  Increase the safety of the Search and Recue teams in missions PROJECT OBJECTIVES

6 TYPICAL SCENARIO Search Area Italia Slovenia UMTS Antennas National Border

7 TYPICAL SCENARIO Italia Slovenia GPS / Galileo Localisation Information Localisation Information Improved coordination, collaboration, timing efficiency and safety of SAR teams

8 EXISTING PROTOCOL  On January 18th, 2006 the Republic of Slovenia and FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA Region (FVG) signed a Protocol regarding the cooperation between the civil protection services of both countries. One issue that was addressed in this Protocol is the cooperation between the Mountain Rescue services of both countries at the common border in the Alps.  The main objectives of the proposed project are:  Implementation of the collaboration between both Slovenia and PCRAFVG  Mountain rescue services according to the signed Protocol to improve the national and international coordination of search missions caused by avalanches or missing or injured people in the Alpine mountains or Karst area

9 Regional Operative Centre (Palmanova – Friuli Venezia Giulia - Italia) GENERAL ARCHITECTURE Information Management System (Slovenia) Search and Rescue Teams Information Management System (Friuli Venezia Giulia) Search and Rescue Teams 112 Centres (Nova Gorica, Kranj, Postojna - Slovenia) Picture, Localisation and Tactical Maps Information

10 PHASES Analyse of the existing procedures and processes in Slovene Mountain Rescue Services and PCRAVFG Adaptation of the procedure to match with the new capabilities of the tools 1. Common Cooperative Procedure Definition The different network and software tools will be adapted to comply with the updated procedures requirements Several validation workshops will be organised to validate the adaptation process 2. Implementation, adaptation and integration of the tool set The tool set will be installed on servers in Slovenia and Italy with synchronisation mechanisms Trainings for selected Search and Rescue teams will be organised Several real trials will be organised and concluded by a workshop Final adaptation of the procedures and tool set will be realised 3. Field Trial The deployment equipments and services will be used in the day to day operations 4. Start the productive use

11  At the end of the project the procedures and the tools defined and deployed will be extended to additional Search and Rescue teams  New trainings activities will be organised to extend the use of the solution  A specific dissemination event with a public demonstration of an international search and rescue mission will be organised.  Presentation to complementary dissemination events will be done in order to spread the experience won during the project to other Search and Rescue teams in other EU members and candidate countries. PROJECT FOLLOW-UP

12 PLANNING 01 January 2011 31 April 2011 01 October 2011 30 December 2011 Task A Task B Task C 30 June 2012 30 December 2012 Task D Field Trial Start productive use Implementation, adaptation and integration of the tool set Standard Operative Procedures (SOP)

13 NEXT IMPORTANT DATES  First Workshop:  Date: February 10 th 2011 (To be confirmed)  Location: Slovenia  Purpose: First part of the process definition in accordance with the existing Protocol  Second Workshop:  Date: April 8 th 2011 (To be confirmed)  Location: Italia  Purpose: Second part of the process definition in accordance with the existing Protocol

14 Harold Linke Project Coordinator Benjamin Hourte Technical Coordinator Katja Banovec Juros User Representative Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief - Slovenia Damiano Giordani User Representative Civil Protection of the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia - Italia

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