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Proposal of Strategic Task Force - Making requirements to Smart Grid and LVDC - Norimasa Minami Assistant secretary and TA9 Technical secretary 2010-5-18.

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Presentation on theme: "Proposal of Strategic Task Force - Making requirements to Smart Grid and LVDC - Norimasa Minami Assistant secretary and TA9 Technical secretary 2010-5-18."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposal of Strategic Task Force - Making requirements to Smart Grid and LVDC - Norimasa Minami Assistant secretary and TA9 Technical secretary 2010-5-18

2 Contents 1, Current activities in IEC high level committees 1) SMB/SG1 ( Electrical Energy Efficiency) 2) SMB/SG2 (Ultra High Voltage) 3) SMB/SG3 (Smart Grid) 4) SMB/SG4 (Low Voltage Direct Current) 5) MSB/SWG 2, Scope in IEC 3, Impacts to TC100 1) Smart Grid 2) LVDC 3, About ad-hoc group 1) Objectives 2) Goal 3) Timeline 4) Members

3 1, Current activities in IEC high level committees 1) SMB/SG1 (Electrical Energy Efficiency) Created the below SGs 2) SMB/SG2 (UHV) Ultra high voltage transmission among the grids No impact to TC100 3) SMB/SG3 (Smart Grid) TC100 products are using electricity Impact to TC100 about from/to in-home, such as HEMS 4) SMB/SG4 (LVDC) TC100 products are driven by DC in its hardware Direct current inside home, not transmission outside 5) MSB/SWG EEE report mentioned new energy technologies In the future may be discussed

4 Generator Substation network Data Centre Residential Battery FC Heat Pump Fridge HVAC PV Distribution Panel Energy Management LVDC EV A/V equipment Generation TransmissionDistributionIn-home 2, Scope in IEC Should be discussed on a sectoral basis

5 Bath Kitchen Waste heated water Power Station LVDC 24~48V PC Phone/Fax DVD/BD Photovoltaic Storage Cell AC 50/60Hz Transformer TVTV GameMachinei Audio Set Printer DC PLC Electric Toothbrush Electric Shaver Wash-basin FC LED LightingSensor ー Ventilation AC 100-20 0V Hydrogen Wireless Charger Refrigerator Microwave Oven Air-conditioner Induction Heater Washing Machine heat pump Hybrid Control Hybrid Control Heat pump Energy Architecture in home (MSB-SWG report) 3, Impacts to TC100 1) Smart Grid (SG3) Electrical using equipments, HEMS, Smart meter, etc

6 2) LVDC (SG4) All most of TC100 products are using DC Unification of voltage, plug, wall socket, wiring, accessories, etc

7 4, About a proposed task force(s) 1)Objectives Survey and discussions of requirements to Smart Grid, LVDC ex. Interfaces, Protocol, Voltage, and Safety issues 2) Goal Establishment of projects to make a standard related TC100 3) Timeline 1st step : - December, 2010 Survey the impact to TC100 by Smart Grid 2nd step : 2011- depend on the SMB decisions in October Discussions and making requirements to related TCs Making standards related TC100 4) Members Request to resister experts

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