Standards-Based Report Cards WFISD Grades K - 3 Wichita Falls ISD Parent Information Curriculum Coordinators: Beth Maywald K-2Misti Spear 3-12 L/A Nancy.

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1 Standards-Based Report Cards WFISD Grades K - 3 Wichita Falls ISD Parent Information Curriculum Coordinators: Beth Maywald K-2Misti Spear 3-12 L/A Nancy Cook 3-6 Math/ScSherry Parker 3-12 SS Dan White – Fine ArtsJulie Henderson PE/Health Stephanie Parsons – 2/3 Literacy Coach

2  A standards-based report card gives information showing a child’s progress toward meeting state and district standards in areas of content and performance.  It gives specific information on a student’s level of proficiency on a given standard.  Students should master each set of skills/standards by the end-of-the-year! What is a Standards-Based Report Card?

3 Parents/Guardians and children can be more aware of what is expected.  It provides parents/guardians with a more detailed outline of the expectations in each of the major academic areas.  It breaks down the state’s standards (skills), so parents/guardians can see the specific area, or areas, in which their child could use extra practice. Teachers can get a better understanding of what each child should know and be able to do at their specific grade level. Who Benefits from the Standards-Based Report Card?

4  Letter grades measure how well children do in comparison to their classmates. The standards- based report card measures how well an individual child is doing in relation to the grade level standards, not the work of other children.  This gives parents/guardians (and teachers) a better understanding of their child’s strengths and weaknesses and encourages all children to do their best. How does the Standards-Based Report Card Compare to the Letter Grade System?

5  It will look different from the traditional report card which gives numeric or letter grades for each subject.  It will show a list of grade level skills which are directly connected to the state standards or TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills)  It will use a specific key to show if a child has mastered a skill, is making progress toward mastery of the skill or is currently working below expected level on the skill. What Will the Report Card Look Like?

6 Each grade will look slightly different, depending on grade level and skills.

7 Report Card Key PE, Music and Art in 3 rd Grade will use the Mastered, Progressing and Below Level grade marks for specified skills.

8  The Standards-based report card has been fully implemented in Kindergarten – 2 nd grade.  Jefferson, Lamar and Milam will being piloting in Third Grade for the 2014-15 school year.  Parent and teacher input will be collected during the spring semester.  Adjustments will be made to standards-based report cards in all grade levels as needed based upon parent/teacher input during the summer of 2015. Report Card Pilot

9  Parent input is crucial to ensure we have the best product possible!  Please provide feedback:  Watch for information about a parent survey  Contact teachers/principal if your have suggestions  Contact Curriculum Specialist:  or 235-1021 ext 15005 We Need You!

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