Qualitative – Examples: Quantitative – Example: (QUALITY) Descriptive analysis, no numbers Nail lab, chromatography lab candle lab (QUANTITY) measurement,

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Presentation on theme: "Qualitative – Examples: Quantitative – Example: (QUALITY) Descriptive analysis, no numbers Nail lab, chromatography lab candle lab (QUANTITY) measurement,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Qualitative – Examples: Quantitative – Example: (QUALITY) Descriptive analysis, no numbers Nail lab, chromatography lab candle lab (QUANTITY) measurement, requires a NUMBER and a UNIT Mass (g), Length (cm), Volume (ml or cm 3 ) Chapter 2: Measurement

2 Precision- Accuracy – Dart throwing examples: How close lab measurements of the same item are to each other How close a lab measurement is to the true value. Precise but not accurate Accurate & PreciseNot Accurate or Precise Precision and Accuracy

3 Based on the number _______ The International System of Units - _____ 10 SI Metric System

4 (symbol)(Value) Mega ---- Kilo Hecto Deka Base Units deci centi mili ---- micro M1,000,000; 1,000,000 bigger K 1000; 1000 times bigger c d m gram (g), meter (m), liter (l) H D u --- 100; 100 times bigger 10; 10 times bigger 0.1; 1/10; 10 times smaller 0.01; 1/100; 100 times smaller 0.001; 1/1000; 1000 times smaller --- 0.000001; 1/1000000; 1000000 times smaller Metric System Increments

5 M - - King Henry Drinks Basically delicious chocolate milk - - u Examples: 1)50.0g = _______ mg4) 2359ug = _________g 2)250L = ________KL 5) 5ML = _________L 3) 0.0462Km = _______m6) 87dm = ________Km (Worksheet and activity on the Metric System) egaega iloilo ectoecto ekaeka asease ecieci entienti iliili icroicro 50,000 0.250 46.2 0.002359 5,000,000 0.0087 Metric Conversions

6 Place value QuantityUnitSymbolInstrumentread to Length Volume Mass Temperature meter cm 3 = L x W x H liter grams Celsius m, cm ruler 0.01cm ruler 0.01cm L, ml Graduated cylinder 10ml = 0.01ml 100ml = 0.1ml gbalance 0.01g C thermometer0.5 C Instruments used for measuring

7 Length – Area – (Length Experiment and Area and Volume Calculations) Direct measurement. (ruler) Calculated measurement Area = Length x width = cm 2 Example: Find the area of your desk. L = ________; W = ________ ________ x ________ = _________ Distance

8 Direct Measurement – Meniscus – Calculated Volume – Example: Using a graduated cylinder Used to measure liquids. Used to measure granular solids like sugar. Lowest point of the curve where you read the volume of a liquid in a graduated cylinder Using a ruler. Length x width x height Used for regularly shaped objects: cubes, etc. Units = meters cubed meniscus 1 2 3 Volume = 2.2ml Calculate the volume of your desk top. L = _______; W = _________; H = ________ Volume

9 Water displacement – Example: Amount of water + object = ________ml Amount of water before = - ________ml Volume of object = ________ml Used to measure irregularly shaped objects 50.5 20.5 30.0 Volume continued Interesting Fact: 1mL = 1cm 3 = 1g H 2 O

10 Story of the king’s crown – was it gold or was it fake? Problem: I have a lump of yellowish, metallic looking stuff; how do I figure out what it is? 1. 2. 3. 4. Density is a ratio of the ________ to the ________ of an object. massvolume Weight it Mass10.00g Volume 100.0ml Water displacement 10g/100ml = 0.1g/ml D = M/V Density Look it up Density

11 Density is the __________ of the __________ to the ____________of an object. Units for density: or Density is a _________________ _______________ that does not change for any one element. Formula for density: (Density worksheet and lab) ratiomass volume g/ml g/cm 3 physicalproperty DV M Density = mass/ volume To use the triangle cover up what you are solving for and the formula is what is left.

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