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Nail Theory Chapter 14.

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Presentation on theme: "Nail Theory Chapter 14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nail Theory Chapter 14

2 a beautiful Nail

3 Whats your story What was your best experience/worst experience ?

4 Why do nails? increase your income while building clientel when you are new in a salon its an added service and gives you a break from the same thing all day everyday faithful clients will book every two weeks

5 chapter video 14.1 artist access

6 Nail theory

7 Nail Structure Free edge- the part that extends beyond the end of the finger and protects the tips of the fingers or toes.

8 Nail body is also called nail plate - visible nail area form the nail root to free edge. Made of layers. No nerves or blood vessels can be found here.

9 Nail wall The folds of skin on either side of the nail groove

10 Lunula
the half moon shape at the base of the nail, which appears white due to reflection of light at the point where the nail matrix and nail bed meet

11 Eponychium the cuticle that overlaps the lunula at the base of the nail.

12 Cuticle loose and pliable overlapping skin around the nail

13 Nail matrix is the active tissue that generates cells, which harden as they move outward

14 Nail Root is attached to matrix at base of nail, under the skin and inside the mantle

15 Mantle the pocket like structure that holds the root and the matrix

16 Nail bed the area of the nail on which the nail body rests
nerves and blood vessels found here supply nourishment

17 nail bed really the area of the nail on which the nail body rests.
nerves found here suppy nourishment ligaments attach nail to the bone

18 Nail grooves are the tracks on either side of the nail that the nail moves on as it grows

19 peronychium the skin that touches, overlaps and surrounds the nail

20 hyponychium when you wave hello the hi - po -nikium is there
the skin underneath the free edge of the nail

21 hello hyponychium

22 Nail growth page 564

23 addictions to crazy long nails

24 here toe you may be convienient to scratch an itch

25 the gene simmons of dogs

26 Diseases Ewww read pages

27 Onychomycosis
aka ring worm is not really a worm at all but a fungus

28 Tinea pg 566 manus is ringworm of the hand

29 Tinea Pedis athlete’s foot, thrives in dark moist places
no servcice may be performed, refer to physician

30 paronychia or felon is inflamation of skin around the nail. Can occur if a hangnail gets infected, or prolonged exposure to water.

31 onychoptos refers to shedding or falling off of nails
to help you remember chop looks like it fell off which is in the word itself......or someone chopped it off

32 onychia inflamation of the nail matrix PACHYONYCHIA CONGENITA

33 onychatrophia the atrophy and wasting away of the nail

34 onycholysis refers to the loosening or separation of the nail

35 Blue nails Appear bluish in color due to bad circulation, heart problems or injury manicure with caution use light pressure more common in older people

36 Eggshell nails Are thin, white, and curved over the free edge. The condition is caused by improper diet, internal disease, medication, or nervous disorders. Be careful when manicuring these nails because they are fragile and break easily.

37 corrugations horizontal wavy ridges across the nail
Also known as corrugations, are long ridges that run either lengthwise or across the nail. Some lengthwise ridges are normal in adults. These ridges increase with age and can also be caused by psoriasis, poor circulation and frostbite. Ridges that run across the nail are caused by high fevers, pregnancy & measles

38 kolionychia spoon nails have a concave shape, long term illness and nerve disturbance

39 furrows indented verticle lines, nutrition, illness or injury related, exposure to harsh chemicals the nail in this picture is furrowed from vitamin b deficiancy

40 onychogyposis claw nails, only a podiatrist should trim
to remember name, “a claw can get a grip on you”

41 onychocryptosis tales from the crypt
crypt means buried, these nails are ingrown/buried in the skin WANT TO SEE SOMETHING SCARY?

42 onychaxis or hypertropy a thickening of the nail plate or abnormal outgrowth of the nail

43 swelling of the nail and is often associated with onychauxis

44 nail conditions minor irregularities that allow the client to recieve full or modified nail services

45 agnails hangnails are split cuticles; loose skin partially separated from the cuticle

46 Bruised nails Also called spinter hemorrahages show dark purplish discoloration under nail. Can be from trauma enviromentalor blood trapped under nails or small capillaries hemorrhage

47 leuconychia white spots appearing on nail not from telling lies....
signs of nutritional deficiency grows out with nail

48 pterygium occurs due to injury to eponychium or hyponychium
refers to the living skin that becomes attached to hte nail plate either at the eponychium(dorsal pterygium) or the hyponychium (inverse pterygium)

49 eponychium is the opposite of hyponychium ---inverse ptergium

50 onychophagy this is what can occur from nail bitting

51 onychorrhexis Onychorrhexis split or brittle nails injury, improper filing, harsh chemical contact

52 pigmentation problems
discoloration can be a sign of melanoma, injury or sickness vitamin deficiency, fungal infection, protein deficiency, kidney or liver disorders, reaction to medications refer to a physician do not diagnose

53 A fungus amongus nail fungus or mold is contagious
Uv light and plenty of air help prevent them from proliferating

54 Image and nails Your nails are a reflection of how well you care for yourself

55 nail shapes

56 nail service products items listed on pages

57 infection control wash your hands and clients as well
follow directions of the products you use avoid filing too deeply into corners to prevent ingrown nails or damaging tissue / cause bleeding or soreness wash implements before disinfection and dry completely before storing clean surface area of work area check that all bottles are properly labeled Use spatulas to dispense products and avoid contamination handle carefully and avoid spillage Discard or send clients home with disposables wear protective gloves if nessasary disinfect and clean finger bowl between clients practice blood spill procedures if one occurs

58 Blood spill procedure page 574 infection control handouts aveda

59 Day 2 MANICURES e=related

60 Why Whats in it for me? Whats in it for the salon?
Whats in it for the guest?

61 Why not What are the roadblocks? What are the disadvantages?
For me, the salon, the guest

62 hand Massage watch hand.mp4 aveda connect video

63 client consultation hand outs with great questions

64 Salons exposed
Basic manicure - AVEDA handout

65 Pedicures page 581 products tools and equipment


Do you want a toxic manacure

68 Sculptured Nails Yopu5v29RseTmsJsBXpfQ&index=1&feature=plcp

69 safe drill Bit??? UwYopu5v29RseTmsJsBXpfQ&index=13&feature=plcp

70 Handouts for state board acrylic procedures

71 NAIL ART Cd Young Nails Walk away reborn

72 pivot point video 14.3

73 Gels Light cured instructional video

74 practice, practice, practice
Time to practice

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