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For digital and traditional storytelling For teachers students anyone.

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Presentation on theme: "For digital and traditional storytelling For teachers students anyone."— Presentation transcript:

1 For digital and traditional storytelling For teachers students anyone

2 What’s the story… Challenge of story- analytic vs. story

3 What’s the story… Challenge of story- analytic vs. story Emotional flow vs. logical flow

4 What’s the story… Challenge of story- analytic vs. story Kinds of stories - hero, personal, curriculum, art Emotional flow vs. logical flow

5 What happens when you give a bad guitar player a bigger amplifier?

6 Issue: focusing on story vs. focusing on technology…

7 Art out of necessity…

8 "Because of the emergence of multimedia technology, the 3Rs are becoming the 4Rs: Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic, and aRt. Thanks to the struggle to use multimedia effectively, the language of art is taking center stage. " Vision of 4th R

9 1. WWW Esperanto 2. Assistive tech for aesthetically challenged 3. Real work for real jobs Why the 4th R?

10 What to teach? 4th R Basics Design - art grammar Technical skills Vision

11 What to teach? 4th R Basics Design - art grammar Technical skills Vision Don’t forget 4 tips of suc- cessful tech teaching:

12 Four tech teaching tips: 1.Don’t fear 10 year olds who know more than you; deputize them…

13 Four tech teaching tips: 1.Don’t fear 10 year olds who know more than you; deputize them… 2. Be kind to your techies

14 Four tech teaching tips: 1.Don’t fear 10 year olds who know more than you; deputize them… 2. Be kind to your techies 3. Practice Zen Tech (not Zantac)

15 Four tech teaching tips: 1.Don’t fear 10 year olds who know more than you; deputize them… 4. Have fun… of course! 3. Practice Zen Tech (not Zantac) 2. Be kind to your techies

16 4th R… Then What?

17 Stories … our cultural glue…

18 Taboo against our stories

19 Storytelling- the oldest profession Your favorite teachers were good storytellers Digital literacy = your clients, students telling their stories… Students who tell stories, own their learning…

20 Traditional story planning process: 1. Get a story idea 2. Develop storyboard or outline and script

21 Angle: Shot: Movement: Audio: Angle: Shot: Movement: Audio: Technical direction Standard Storyboarding - A REVIEW

22 Angle: wide Shot: side of bus, going to school Movement: follow bus to school Audio: music (Born to learn) Angle: wide, zoom in Shot: front of school, students entering Movement: stationary camera Audio: music, cont. Technical direction Storyboard for “We Won’t Leave School” None - ambient happy school bus noise Teacher at door, greeting each child as they enter

23 Angle: wide Shot: side of bus, going to school Movement: follow bus to school Audio: music (Born to learn) Technical direction Storyboard for “We Won’t Leave School” None - ambient happy school bus noise Teacher at door, greeting each child as they enter Script, voice over narration: “Once upon a time there were children so in love with school they refused to leave when summer vacation came. They demanded to keep learning. ‘More math problems!’ they cried.”

24 Traditional story planning process: 1. Get a story idea 2. Develop storyboard or outline and script

25 1. Get a story idea NO! Traditional story planning process: 2. Develop storyboard or outline and script

26 1. Get a story idea 3. THEN develop storyboard or outline 2. Develop VPS Traditional planning process: New!

27 Problem (tension) Solution (resolution) BeginningEnd (Dillingham, 2001) The emotional flow of “story” - life as a creative problem solving experience Middle Visual Portrait of Story (VPS)

28 Problem (tension) Solution (resolution) BeginningEnd Middle (Dillingham, Ohler 2003) VPS with transformation Visual Portrait of Story + transformation Transformation?


30 Problem (tension) Discovery or reconciliation BeginningEnd Middle (Dillingham, Ohler 2003) VPS with transformation VPS - personal story Realization?

31 Inquiry (tension) Discovery BeginningEnd Middle (Dillingham, Ohler 2003) VPS with transformation VPS - curriculum story Learning? Growth?

32 Basic storytelling process: -develop problem/resolution T Bar -develop VPS -write out story - 3 paragraphs -peer pitch / adjust -tell stories -THEN go digital…

33 Going digital: -Idea brainstorm - start at beginning? end? -develop VPS -develop storyboard -develop script -collect materials -formative eval…

34 Transformation

35 Problem (tension) Solution (resolution) BeginningEnd Middle Transformation? What is the nature of transformation?? Visual Portrait of Story + transformation

36 8 Levels of character transformation… 1.Physical/kinesthetic - strength, dexterity 2.Inner strength - courage

37 8 Levels of character transformation… 1.Physical/kinesthetic - strength, dexterity 2.Inner strength - courage 3.Emotional - maturity, realization 4.Moral - conscience

38 8 Levels of character transformation… 1.Physical/kinesthetic - strength, dexterity 2.Inner strength - courage 3.Emotional - maturity, realization 4.Moral - conscience 5.Psychological - insight, self- awareness, realization, revelation 6.Social - realized responsibility

39 8 Levels of character transformation… 1.Physical/kinesthetic - strength, dexterity 2.Inner strength - courage 3.Emotional - maturity, realization 4.Moral - conscience 5.Psychological - insight, self- awareness, realization, revelation 6.Social - realized responsibility 7. Intellectual/creative - learning, problem solving, critical thinking 8. Spiritual - awakening, revelation

40 8 Levels of character transformation… 1.Physical/kinesthetic - strength, dexterity 2.Inner strength - courage 3.Emotional - maturity, realization 4.Moral - conscience 5.Psychological - insight, self- awareness, realization, revelation 6.Social - realizing responsibility 7. Intellectual/creative - learning, problem solving, critical thinking 8. Spiritual - awakening, revelation

41 For digital and traditional storytelling For teachers students anyone

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