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LIFE IN A TOTALITARIAN STATE Section 3------By: Gina Pike.

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1 LIFE IN A TOTALITARIAN STATE Section 3------By: Gina Pike

2 AN “IRON AGE” OF TOTALITARIAN CONTROL  Stalin turned the Soviet Union in a totalitarian state.  A Totalitarianism State: a government in which a one party dictatorship regulated every aspect of its citizens’ life.  Stalin’s Communist party used secret police, censorship, and terror to enforce.

3 PROPAGANDA  Citizens were bombarded with propaganda through various ways including newspapers, radios, etc.  Propaganda suggested extreme nationalism  People who supported Stalin= treated as heroes

4 WAR ON RELIGION  Atheism became official policy of the state  Earlier, Communists had targeted the Russian Orthodox Church, which had strongly supported czars.  Many religious properties and figures/leaders were seized  Roman Catholics and the Jewish were targeted as well  Islam was also discouraged although faced fewer restrictions

5 CHANGED IN SOVIET SOCIETY  Destroyed old order including the social order  A few elite groups emerged  Communist party= top of society, only a small number of people were allowed to join the party  The Soviet Elite: industrial managers, military leaders, scientists, and some artists and writers…these people enjoyed many benefits

6 Benefits  Free education was offered to all  Free medical car  Day care for children  Inexpensive housing  Public transportation and recreation SOCIAL BENEFITS AND DRAWBACKS Drawbacks  Standard of living was low  Many people migrated to different cities  Housing was scarce  Meat, fresh food, etc. was in short supply

7 Education  Many schools were built  Schools taught Communist ideas  Formed many sports programs, cultural activities, etc. MORE CHANGES … Women…  Were granted equality under the law  Gained access to education  By 1930s many women were working in medicine, engineering, or science fields

8  Artists and writers were forced to adopt a style called socialist reform.  Socialist reform: “…goal was to boost socialism by showing the Soviet life in a positive light” THE ARTS AND THE STATE  Government controlled everything including what books were published, what music was played and heard, etc.  Some writers, artist, and composers faced persecution.

9  Strict censorship  Massive propaganda  Terror… These were all tools Stalin used to modernize the Soviet Union and ensure his personal power. LOOKING AHEAD…  The Soviet Union became one of the worlds military leaders.  World leader in heavy industry, steel, and oil production.

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