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D IVIDER T ABS 1. Assignments 2. Vocabulary/Grammar 3. Handouts 4. AoW 5. Reading Life.

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Presentation on theme: "D IVIDER T ABS 1. Assignments 2. Vocabulary/Grammar 3. Handouts 4. AoW 5. Reading Life."— Presentation transcript:

1 D IVIDER T ABS 1. Assignments 2. Vocabulary/Grammar 3. Handouts 4. AoW 5. Reading Life

2 A SSIGNMENTS This is where we will keep work in progress. After each unit, I will let you know what I want you to keep and what you can recycle. Do not throw anything away until you 1- verify that your score was accurately recorded and 2- have heard from me at the end of a unit whether I want you to keep it or not.

3 V OCABULARY /G RAMMAR This is where we will keep our vocabulary lists and grammar lessons.

4 H ANDOUTS This is where we will keep helpful handouts related to literary terms, writing terminology, etc. Use a blank piece of paper to create an INDEX. Number the lines on this page so you can keep a record of what goes in to this section of your binder. INDEX 1. Class policies 2. 3. 4.

5 AOWAOW This is where we will keep our articles of the week. Several times throughout the year I will require you to reflect on your reading/writing skills as well as to the issues you are learning about. It is important that you keep your AoWs in order to do the reflective work required in this class.

6 R EADING L IFE This is where we will keep our reading logs. Several times throughout the year I will require you to reflect on your reading skills as well as the books you are reading. It is important that you keep your reading logs in order to do the reflective work required in this class.

7 B LANK P APER Keep plenty of blank paper at the front of your notebook. No spiral notebooks please! Loose leaf paper only.

8 W RITER S N OTEBOOK AKA C OMPOSITION B OOK Create a title page (design and decorate). Create a three page table of contents. Number each page after the table of contents. Number left and right. You will write on both sides of the paper. We will use this book for our Do Nows. Make sure you have it with you every day! You may leave it in the bin for your class on the back shelf if you want to.

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