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Radarkartering av skogsbiomassa med P-band Pol-InSAR Lars Ulander, Maciej Soja, Gustaf Sandberg, och Daniel Murdin.

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Presentation on theme: "Radarkartering av skogsbiomassa med P-band Pol-InSAR Lars Ulander, Maciej Soja, Gustaf Sandberg, och Daniel Murdin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Radarkartering av skogsbiomassa med P-band Pol-InSAR Lars Ulander, Maciej Soja, Gustaf Sandberg, och Daniel Murdin

2 Contents BIOMASS ESA candidate mission P-band satellite SAR Level-2 algorithm development Airborne SAR experiments Biomass retrieval evaluation

3 3 ESA:s Earth Explorers ESA has six Earth Explorers launched or under development in the Living Earth Program Launched: GOCE, SMOS, Cryosat-2 Under development: ADM-Aeolus, Swarm, Earthcare 7th Earth Explorer Launched currently planned for 2016 Three candidates in phase A: BIOMASS, CoreH20, Premiere Final mission selection with be in 2012

4 BIOMASS: First P-band SAR in space Courtesy: ThalesAlenia Space Synthetic aperture radar 432-438 MHz ( = 0.7 m) Large deployable reflector antenna (diameter = 12 m)

5 BIOMASS: Challenges & solutions Large deployable antenna Heritage from communication antennas (e.g. Inmarsat-4) Ionospheric corrections Faraday rotation corrected by polarimetric analysis Algorithms for global biomass mapping Polarimetry and repeat-pass interferometry (main orbital phase) Multiple baselines, i.e. tomography (initial orbital phase)

6 Airborne P-band SAR experiments Objectives Temporal stability (correlation) Topography and moisture effects PolInSAR, tomography, P/L-band BioSAR (2007, 2008, 2010), Sweden Boreal forest at Remningstorp, and Krycklan TropiSAR (2009), French Guiana Tropical rain forest at Paracou and Nourages Remningstorp Krycklan French Guiana Paracou Nourages Sweden

7 BioSAR-1, 2007: Remningstorp Hemi-boreal forest in southern Sweden Stand-level biomass 10-290 tons/ha; Managed forest Topographic height variations are small (120-145 m)

8 Radar backscatter coefficient vs Biomass Blue crosses: 58 training stands Red circles: 10 validation stands HVHHVV SAR data from one date (2 May); similar for other dates Correlation with biomass is high for HV & HH but low for VV

9 BioSAR 2007: Height maps Low-altitude high-resolution helicopter scanning lidar 0.25 m grid Height (m) Airborne P-band repeat-pass PolInSAR 2 m resolution

10 BioSAR 2007: Biomass maps Low-altitude high-resolution helicopter scanning lidar 0.25 m grid Airborne P-band HV- polarisation 2 m resolution Biomass [tons/ha]

11 Biomass retrieval error 2 May, heading 200 deg Retrieval based on HV-polarisation Stable results for all dates 9 Mar2 April2 May RMSE validation 32 t/h35 t/h42 t/h RMSE cross- validation 33 t/h34 t/h

12 Conclusions Phase-A for 7th Earth Explorer candidates ends 2011 BIOMASS mission concept matured Large deployable antenna Faraday rotation corrections Biomass retrieval algorithm Level-2 biomass algorithm needs further development Current estimates indicate RMSE = 30-40 t/ha (10-290 t/ha) Topography and moisture corrections Combination estimates BIOMASS end-to-end-simulator

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