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 “The most prevalent, fatal, chronic, relapsing disorder of the 21 st century.”  (, 2010)  An excess of adipose tissue  Happens for different.

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Presentation on theme: " “The most prevalent, fatal, chronic, relapsing disorder of the 21 st century.”  (, 2010)  An excess of adipose tissue  Happens for different."— Presentation transcript:


2  “The most prevalent, fatal, chronic, relapsing disorder of the 21 st century.”  (, 2010)  An excess of adipose tissue  Happens for different reasons  Currently 66% of Americans are overweight or obese.





7 (Brownell, 2008)

8  Shorter, less healthy lives  Increased economic costs  Decreased productivity / earnings as an adult  Disease: CVD, Type 2 Diabetes, asthma, etc  Societal costs

9 Which is more prevalent? ◦ Global obesity or global starvation? ◦ WHO has declared obesity to be one of the top ten global health problems. (Science, February 2003) ◦ Of all nations, the United States is number one with regard to obesity (Fat Land: How Americans Became the Fattest People in the World, Greg Critser, 2003)


11  Associated with almost every chronic disease.  Diabetes  High blood pressure / Heart disease / Stroke  Gallbladder disease  Sleep apnea  Cancer

12  Bigger portions Salty snacks increased from 132 calories to 225 calories Soft drinks increased from 144 calories to 193 calories Hamburgers increased from 389 calories to 486 calories.  American Heart Association

13  Fruits & Vegetables  Only 14% of children (6-19 y/o) meet the daily recommendation for 2-4 daily servings of fruit.  Only 20% get the recommended daily serving of vegetables  Whole grains  Although at least two servings are recommended: Children get less than one serving per day.  School Lunches

14  Found in: soft drinks, fruit drinks, sports beverages, energy drinks, and processed foods. American Heart Association

15 Approximately 40% of budgeted food money is spent away from home. Americans’ spending on fast food: Increased from $60 billion to $110 billion in the last 30 years. American Heart Association

16  Although at least 30 minutes of moderate activity is recommended daily.  Schools have dropped PE classes  Media has replaced activity  Neighborhoods may be unsafe  Work / Commute  Technology

17 Energy IN needs to equal Energy OUT

18 BMR = body weight x 10 ◦ BMR x 0.10 = calories burned off in food digestion ◦ BMR x 0.20 to 0.50 = calories burned off in physical activity  0.20 for sedentary, 0.35 for slightly active, 0.40 for fairly active and 0.50 for active.  Add all these numbers together for daily calorie needs  Example: 150 lb person ◦ BMR = 150 x 10 = 1500 ◦ Digestion = 1500 x 0.10 = 150 ◦ Activity = 1500 x 0.40 = 600 ◦ Total daily calories: 1500 + 150 + 600 = 2250


20  “Children view an average of 3 ½ hours of television commercials per week, and each year they spend the equivalent of a week watching TV ads.” (CSPI, 2003)  About half of these ads are for food.

21 Distribution of Types of Food in TV Advertising Targeted to Children or Teens, 2005 34% 10% 28% Candy and snacks Fast food Among all food ads targeted to children or teens, percent that are for: 4% 9% 7% Sugared cereal Sodas & soft drinks Dine-in restaurants Prepared foods Dairy Breads and pastries 2%Fruit juices 1% SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation, Food for Thought: Television Food Advertising to Children in the United States, March 2007.

22  “In 2000, obesity-related health care-costs totaled an estimated $117 billion.” (CDC, 2009)  Medical expenditures cost 29%-117% more than normal-weight employees. (CDC, 2009)

23  A lot of bias exists when it comes to those who are overweight or obese.  Health care workers  Employment opportunities  Media  Children

24  Behavioral impact  Psychological impact  Social impact  Attribution Theory

25  Individual responsibility???  Or should we hold government, big business responsible too?

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