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Day 6. Summary – Activity #23  Have a partner read your summary and evaluate it with the checklist on your handout.

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Presentation on theme: "Day 6. Summary – Activity #23  Have a partner read your summary and evaluate it with the checklist on your handout."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 6

2 Summary – Activity #23  Have a partner read your summary and evaluate it with the checklist on your handout.

3 Reading Reflection – Quickwrite – Activity #24  What problems did you have reading these texts?  What strategies helped you overcome these problems?  Do you think these strategies will work with other readings?

4 Sample Letters – Activity #25  Read through each writing prompt.  Read through the sample letters to the editor. They start immediately after the article “A Change of Heart about Animals.”  Answer the following questions: Bob Stevens disagrees with Rifkin and makes several points. Does Stevens refute Rifkin’s arguments? In his first paragraph, Stevens argues that because a predator (such as a hawk) does not feel empathy for its prey, humans do not need to feel empathy for the animals they eat and that such feelings would be unnatural. Do you agree?

5 Sample Letters – Activity #25  Stevens notes that some animals can mimic human speech but argues that they do not understand what they are saying. What would Rifkin say to this?  Is it true, as Stevens argues, that Rifkin wants animals to have more rights than humans?  Lois Frazier says that pet owners know that animals have feelings and abilities not too different from humans. Do some pet owners treat their pets like people? Is this a good move? Why or why not?  Frazier argues that Rifkin needs to take his argument further and promote a vegetarian lifestyle with no animal products. Is this a reasonable conclusion to draw from Rifkin’s arguments? Do you agree with her?

6 Developing a Working Thesis – Activity #26  Read through writing prompt choices.  On a piece of paper write down a working thesis. This is one sentence that answers your prompt.  This sentence frame can get you started if you are stuck. When Rifkin/Braithwaite argue ___________, they are correct/incorrect because ______________.

7 Quote, Paraphrase, Respond – Activity #27  Look through your chosen article and select three passages you might be able to use help support your opinion.  Quote: Write down the passage as a quote that is properly cited. “Quotey quote quote quote” (Smith 10).  Paraphrase: Write down the passage in your own words. This still needs to be cited. These are my own words (Smith 10).  Respond: State whether you agree or disagree with this passage and why. I agree/disagree with this statement because ______________.

8 Building an Outline – Activity #28  Use the outline handout to help you prepare to write your letter.  You need to make sure you complete the rhetorical framework portion first. You will write a second version of your working thesis to answer the question about your message.  Next, you need to decide on the topics you will address to make your argument and what effect these topics will have on the reader.  Then, need to find evidence that supports your argument and your chosen topics. The passages you used in the prior activity can help you decide on topics and evidence.  Finally, you need to rephrase your thesis. You will end up writing three drafts of your thesis before you even start writing.

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