Glider Program Roundtable Civil Air Patrol CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES.

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Presentation on theme: "Glider Program Roundtable Civil Air Patrol CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Glider Program Roundtable Civil Air Patrol CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES

2  SSA/CAP Memorandum of Agreement  SSA/CAP MOA Signing  MOA renewed for the long term  Supplements the glider program for cadet orientation flights where corporate gliders are not available  Free Cadet Electronic Membership Glider Program CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES

3  Winch Program Overview  Two recent purchases  PCR  NER Glider Program CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES

4  Website Update to CAPR 60-1  Glider, Tow Plane and Launch Instructions Glider Program CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES

5  Care and Feeding of Gliders  Funds are available for tow ropes, tow rings and other support material reimbursement though CAPF 176 w/receipts  Glider maintenance/repairs should be a priority  Does not have to be a CAMS facility  Must have liability insurance ($500K) or work under contract with a CAMS  FAX/Email CAPF 176 for maintenance request  Cc DCS/Ops on email Glider Program CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES

6  Care and Feeding of Gliders  What are the tie-down requirements for each model of glider?  What is the minimum tensile strength required for tie-down ropes?  Should the tie-downs be tight or somewhat loose?  What is causing the damage to our canopies and hinges? Glider Program CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES

7  Things to consider  Glider Priorities  Cadet Orientation Rides is #1  Cadet Flight Training  Senior member currency  Senior member Flight Training  The ratio of the number of cadets vs number of glider o-rides is poor in many cases Glider Program CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES

8  Things to consider  Use of SSA facilities where corporate gliders are not located is authorized for cadet orientation flights  Commercial tows are authorized when CAP tow planes are not available  Hold Harmless Agreements  Think outside the box to get cadets to glider locations  Weekend bivouac  Wing glider academies Glider Program CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES

9  Things to consider  Good and consistent utilization  Will allow us to grow  May give us the opportunity to refurb some of the SGS 2-33s and increase the fleet  Only 48 gliders in 26 wings  Minimum flight requirement per year 200  Adequate funding to reach and exceed goals  Gliderless wings want the chance to prove themselves, if others can’t Glider Program CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES

10  Oh yeah, Glides don’t eat, they simply only sail on a sea of air.  Oh yeah, Glides don’t eat, they simply only sail on a sea of air. Glider Program CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES

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