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COEN 252 Security Threats. Network Based Exploits Phases of an Attack  Reconnaissance  Scanning  Gaining Access  Expanding Access  Covering Tracks.

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Presentation on theme: "COEN 252 Security Threats. Network Based Exploits Phases of an Attack  Reconnaissance  Scanning  Gaining Access  Expanding Access  Covering Tracks."— Presentation transcript:

1 COEN 252 Security Threats

2 Network Based Exploits Phases of an Attack  Reconnaissance  Scanning  Gaining Access  Expanding Access  Covering Tracks

3 Reconnaissance  Social Engineering “I cannot access my email. What do I do?” Dumpster Diving (especially useful when people move)  Search the Web Sam Spade (, CyberKit, NetScanTools, Search Engine Usenet postings Whois

4 Reconnaissance Databases  To,.net, domain names:InterNIC whois feature: allwhois, network soultions,...  ARIN: American Registry for Interent Numbers ( whois.html) whois.html  RIPE (Europe)  APNIC (Asia Pacific)

5 Reconnaissance: Scanning Once we have a target, we need to get to know it better. Methods:  War Dialing (to find out modem access)  Network Mapping  Vulnerability Scanning  War Driving

6 Scanning: War Dialing Purpose: Find a modem connection.  Many users in a company install remote PC software such as PCAnywhere without setting the software up correctly.  War Dialer finds these numbers by going through a range of phone numbers listening for a modem.  Demon Dialer tries a brute force password attack on a found connection.  Typically: war dialing will find an unsecured connection.

7 Scanning: Network Mapping Ping:  ping is implemented using the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Echo Request.  A receiving station answers back to the sender.  Used by system administrators to check status of machines and connections.

8 Scanning: Network Mapping Traceroute:  Pings a system with ICMP echo requests with varying life spans (= # of hops allowed).  A system that receives a package with expired numbers of hops sends an error message back to sender.  Traceroute uses this to find the route to a given system.  Useful for System Administration

9 Scanning: Network Mapping Cheops: Network Scanner (UNIX based) (Uses traceroute and other tools to map a network.) Cheops et Co. are the reason that firewalls intercept pings.

10 Reconnaissance: Port Scans  Applications on a system use ports to listen for network traffic or send it out.  2 16 ports available, some for known services such as http (80), ftp,...  Port scans send various type of IP packages to target on different ports.  Reaction tells them whether the port is open (an application listens).

11 Reconnaissance: Nmap  Uses different types of packets to check for open ports.  Can tell from the reaction what OS is running, including patch levels.  Can run in stealth mode, in which it is not detected by many firewalls.

12 Gaining Access  Gain access using application and OS attacks.  Gain access using network attack.

13 Gaining Access through Apps and OS  Stack-Based Overflow Attacks Stack is the area where function arguments and return addresses are saved.  Password Attacks  Web Application Attacks

14 Gaining Access: Web Application Attacks  The URL not only contains the web address of a site, but also input: http:// 8&q=web+application+attack  A poorly written webpage allows the viewer to input data in an uncontrolled fashion. If the webpage contains SQL, the user might execute SQL commands.

15 Gaining Access through Network Attacks:Sniffing  Sniffer: Gathers traffic from a LAN.  Examples: Snort, Sniffit  To gain access to packages, use spoofed ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) to reroute traffic.

16 Gaining Access through Network Attacks:Sniffing  Sniffing through a hub: Hub broadcasts all traffic. HUB Sender Listener

17 Gaining Access through Network Attacks:Sniffing  Sniffing through a hub: Switch only forwards to the link with the correct MAC address. Switch Sender Listener

18 Gaining Access through Network Attacks:Sniffing  Sniffing through a hub: MAC flooding:  Switches store MAC addresses in a cache.  Switches accept MAC advertising.  Attacker sends a flood of MAC advertisings.  Switch’s cache fills up.  Switch moves into promiscuous mode. Spoofed ARP messages

19 Gaining Access through Network Attacks:Sniffing  Sniffing through a hub: Spoofed ARP messages:  ARP resolves between IP addresses and MAC addresses.  Step 1: Attacker sets up IP Forwarding to the default router on LAN.  Step 2: Send a faked ARP reply to victims machine to reroute default router IP to attackers MAC address.  Step 3: Victim sends out a message to the outside world. This is routed to the default router IP, i.e. to the attackers machine.  Step 4: Attacker reads traffic.  Step 5: Because of forwarding, packet is forwarded to actual default router.

20 Gaining Access through Network Attacks:Sniffing  Man in the Middle Attack with DSniff: Step 1: Send fake DNS response with IP address for the web site to be attacked to the victim. Step 2: Victim connects to website. Step 3: DNS resolves to the attacker’s machine, request send there. Step 4: Attacker’s site receives request, acts as proxy, forwards it to real website. Step 5: Real website answers, attackers site forwards to victim. …

21 Gaining Access: Session Hijacking  IP Address Spoofing: Send out IP packages with false IP addresses.  If an attacker sits on a link through which traffic between two sites flows, the attacker can inject spoofed packages to “hijack the session”.  Attacker inserts commands into the connection.  Details omitted.

22 Exploiting and Maintaining Address After successful intrusion, an attacker should:  Use other tools to gain root or administrator privileges.  Erase traces (e.g. change log entries).  Take measures to maintain access.  Erase security holes so that no-one else can gain illicit access and do something stupid to wake up the sys. ad.

23 Maintaining Access: Trojans  A program with an additional, evil payload. Running MS Word also reinstalls a backdoor. ps does not display the installed sniffer.

24 Maintaining Access: Backdoors  Bypass normal security measures. Example: netcat  Install netcat on victim with the GAPING_SECURITY_HOLE option. C:\ nc -1 –p 12345 –e  In the future: connect to port 12345 and start typing commands.

25 Maintaining Access: Backdoors  BO2K (Back Orifice 2000) runs in stealth mode (you cannot discover it by looking at the processes tab in the TASK MANAGER.  Otherwise, it is a remote control program like pcAnyWhere, that allows accessing a computer over the net.

26 Maintaining Access: Backdoors  RootKit: A backdoor built as a Trojan of system executables such as ipconfig.  Kernel-Level RootKit: Changes the OS, not only system executables.

27 Covering Tracks:  Altering logs.  Create difficult to find files and directories.  Covert Channels through Networks: Loki uses ICMP messages as the carrier. Use WWW traffic. Use unused fields in TCP/IP headers.

28 Hacker Profile  Internal Hacker Disgruntled employee Contracted employee  Targets for corporate espionage.  Are not bound by employee policies and procedures. Indirectly contracted employee  Perform shared or subcontracted services

29 Hacker Profile  External Hacker Recreational Hacker  85% 90% male.  Between 12 and 25.  Highly intelligent low-achiever.  Typically from dysfunctional families. Professional Hacker  Hackers for hire.  Electronic warfare, corporate espionage.  “Security Consultants”  Security Consultants

30 Hacker Profile  Virus writers 1 Teenagers, College Students, Professionals Drop out of the scene as adults or have social problems. Intelligent, educated, male. Study by Sarah Gordon, IBM, in Beiser, Vince, “Inside the Virus Writer’s Mind”

31 Hacker Profile  Script Kiddy Uses scripts of programs written by others to exploit known vulnerabilities Goal is bragging rights, defacing web sites Sweep IP addresses for vulnerability Typically not explicitly malicious, but can cause damage inadvertently

32 Hacker Profile  Dedicated Hacker Does research. Knows in and outs of OS, system, auditing and security tools. Writes or modifies programs and shell scripts Reads security bulletins (CERT, NIST) Searches the underground.

33 Hacker Profile  Skilled Hacker Thorough understanding of system at the level of Sys Ad or above. Can read OS source code. Understands network protocols.  Superhacker Does not brag or post. Can enter or bring down any system.

34 Hacker Motives  Intellectually Motivated Educational experimentation  28 year old computer expert diverted 2585 US West computers to search for a new prime number.  Used 10.63 years of computer time.  Lengthened telephone number lookup to 5 minutes  Almost shut down the Phoenix Service Delivery Center “Harmless Fun”  Web defacing Wake-up Call  Free-lance security consultant (still illegal)

35 Hacker Motives  Personally motivated Disgruntled employee. Cyber-stalking  E.g. to show of superiority to someone they feel / are inferior to.  Danger of escalation to physical attack.  A 50-year old security guard used the internet to solicit the rape of a 28-year old woman who rejected him.  Impersonated her in chat rooms and online bulletins.  Impersonated rape fantasies.  At least six man knocked at her door at night offering to rape her.  Six years in prison.

36 Hacker Motives  Socially motivated Cyber-activism Politically motivated  Hacking KKK or NAACP websites Cyber-Terrorism  Threatens serious disruption of the infrastructure  Power  Water  Transportation  Communication  1988: Israeli Virus and logic bomb in Israeli government computers Cyber-warfare

37 Hacker Motives Financially Motivated  Personal profit.  Two Cisco Systems consultants issued almost $8 M Cisco stock to themselves.  Accessed a system used to manage stock option disbursals to find control numbers for forged authorization forms.  Damage to the organization.  British internet provider, Cloud Nine, went out of business after crippling series of DOS attacks. Ego Motivated

38 Hacker Damage  Releasing Information  Releasing Software By circumventing copying protection. Through IP theft  Consuming Unused(?) Resources  Discover and Document Vulnerabilities  Compromise Systems and Increase their Vulnerabilities  Website Vandalism

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