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«LEARNING AND LIVING DEMOCRACY». 1997-2000: Definition of concepts Identification of basic skills EDC teaching and learning methods Inventory of practices.

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2 1997-2000: Definition of concepts Identification of basic skills EDC teaching and learning methods Inventory of practices (« sites of citizenship ») 2001-2004: EDC Policy Development Democratic Governance in Education Teacher Training Dissemination and awareness raising through networking 1997 : 10-11 October 1997: Launching of the project “Education for Democratic Citizenship” (EDC)

3 Political results: Recommendation Rec (2002) 12 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on education for democratic citizenship

4 EDC Policy Development activities in 2001 - 2004  All-European Study on EDC policies Main conclusion: need to move from policy to practice Recommendations and examples from member states  Multilateral EDC policy seminar (Sept. 2003) Final feedback on the All-European Study Request to develop instruments for policy implementation  Inter-institutional cooperation: EC (Working Group G and Euridyce), UNESCO  Bilateral cooperation: the Russian Federation, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine, and SEE countries

5  Support the European Year of Citizenship through Education  Establish sustainable consultation processes aiming at EDC Policy implementation and provide appropriate funding  Support EDC/HRE initiatives in your Member State  Facilitate and support networking, regional and international cooperation  Support the dissemination of EDC/HRE published materials: translation, electronic availability of data through Ministries of Education electronic resource centres, etc. EDC Policy Implementation – what ACTIONS need to be taken?

6 2005 – The European Year of Citizenship through Education 13 and 14 December 2004 Sofia, Bulgaria Launching of the “Year”

7 Objectives  To raise awareness  To strengthen commitment  To provide a framework and tools  To encourage initiatives and partnerships Target groups  Education policy deciders  Education professionals, especially multipliers, at all levels of education (formal and non formal)  Decision makers at local level, NGOs  General public

8 Working methods  Coordination: Ad Hoc Committee of Experts for the European Year of Citizenship through Education (CAHCIT) assisted by the Secretariat of the EDC Division  A transversal and multidisciplinary approach within the Council of Europe  In member states: coordinating committees/bodies, reflecting the multidisciplinary approach of the CAHCIT  Main links with the CAHCIT: the EDC coordinators

9 Working methods, continued  These will be based on:  sharing of information, disseminating good practice  putting practical instruments at the disposal of member states  ongoing contacts between the Secretariat and member states (on-line, website)  creating opportunities for partnership with IGOs and NGOs

10 Expected results: visible, tangible and sustainable  Examples of possible results:  Improved access to information on EDC/HRE  Setting up of Action Plans on EDC/HRE in member states  set of instruments and tools is tested and a database of these created

11 Examples of results, continued  Sustainable awareness raising mechanisms for EDC/HRE are set up in member states  Consultation processes involving decision makers and people working in the field are improved  Democratisation processes in education are given greater attention  Increased focus on EDC/HRE as a background for the development of education systems

12 Council of Europe support to member states  Practical instruments and tools are made available  Support documents  Material for use and adaptation in member states (brochure, poster, logo, videos, PowerPoint presentations)  Special website, regularly updated  Expertise: participation of experts and trainers in national activities  Support for networking

13 Partnerships with other institutions Institutions present: European Commission UNESCO UNICEF OECD British Council KulturKontakt Inter-institutional meeting 23-24 September 2004, Strasbourg

14 Partnerships with other institutions, continued Other institutions/organisations present: International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Consortium of Institutions for Development and Research in Education in Europe (CIDREE) Human Rights Education Associates (HREA) Open Society Institute Amnesty International International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) Civitas International Inter-institutional meeting 23-24 September 2004, Strasbourg

15 For additional information EDC Division Directorate General IV, Education, Culture and Heritage, Youth and Sport Division for Citizenship and Human Rights Education F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex Tel: +33 (0)3 88 41 35 29 Fax: + 33 (0)3 88 41 27 88/06 EDC Secretariat :

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