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The Party  Go by the sign that you think you have the most in common with – where would you fit in the best?  Discuss what brought you to that group.

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Presentation on theme: "The Party  Go by the sign that you think you have the most in common with – where would you fit in the best?  Discuss what brought you to that group."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Party  Go by the sign that you think you have the most in common with – where would you fit in the best?  Discuss what brought you to that group  What did you all have in common with one another?

2 Strong Theory and Background  What people do is a reflection of their interests  People of similar interests will be satisfied in those occupations given their values, knowledge and abilities are also the same  There are 6 Interest Areas, which make up your Holland Code: RIASEC

3 REAlistic: the doers  These People Like to work with their hands to build and maintain things  Practical, “Hands-On”, and Dependable  Values Common Sense and Maintains Traditions  Enjoys the Outdoors and Athletics  Dislikes working behind a desk

4 Realistic: occupations  Computer Networking  Engineering  Physical Education / Trainer  Forestry  Electronics Technician  Building/Construction  Law Enforcement Officer  Military

5 Realistic Quiz  What kind of car do they drive?  Trucks, SUV, Jeep  What would be their ideal vacation?  Camping, attending sports event, fishing, golfing, outward bound, hiking, adventure trip  What motivates them?  Hands-on, tangible results  What would they buy?  Boats, campers, sports equipment, power tools, ESPN magazine, adventure books

6 Investigative: The Thinkers  These people like to investigate and solve problems  Attracted to the Math and Sciences  Strategic Thinkers  Like unstructured work environments that allow freedom in work styles – Ability to work alone  Like to observe and analyze others  Value academic and professional recognition  Look forward to the future, not the past

7 Investigative: occupations  Science – Biology and Chemistry/Research  Computer Science  Medicine  Physics / Engineering  Psychiatry / Psychology  Economics  Math / Science Teacher

8 Investigative Quiz  What would they drive?  Bicycle, Volvo, “hybrid,” Honda  What would be their ideal vacation?  Space camp, fossil dig, science museum, African safari, visit ruins, historical places (Europe)  What motivates them?  Curiosity, learning, knowledge  What would they buy?  Telescopes, computers, books, puzzles, electronic equipment, science fiction or mystery novels

9 Artistic: The Creators  These people can be referred to as “The Creators”  Like to use their talents to create unique products  Enjoys music, art, drama, anything cultural  Can be considered Artistic even if they are not good at art  Enjoys beauty, and originality, and independence  Likes flexibility and unstructured settings

10 Artistic: Occupations  Actors / Actresses  Authors  Designers / Architects  Musicians / Music Therapy  Advertising / Public Relations  Museums / Libraries  Education  Attorney

11 Artistic Quiz  What kind of car do they drive?  Bug, PT Cruiser, Mini Copper, Convertible  What would be their ideal vacation?  NYC to see shows, Venice to see art, dance/acting workshop  What motivates them?  Self-expression  What would they buy?  Art objects, music CDs, colorful things, decorations, theater tickets

12 Social: the helpers  Likes to work in situations that allow them to help others  Motivated by helping others rather than by things  Good listening and interpersonal skills  Humanistic, cooperative, supportive, tactful, friendly, outgoing  Likes Harmony  Wants to make a difference  Likes flexibility

13 Social: occupations  Counselors / Social Workers  Teachers  Health Education / Nurses  Corporate Training  Human Resources  Recreation Leaders  Event Planners  Community Education

14 Social Quiz  What car would they drive?  Mini-van, SUV, Suburban  Where would be their ideal vacation?  Cruise with friends/family, beach house vacation, Disney World, family reunion  What motivates them?  Helping others  What would they buy?  Charity event tickets, food to entertain others, People magazine, self-help books

15 Enterprising: the persuaders  Enjoys working with others to persuade, sell, lead, manage  Leads others towards some organizational goal or economic gain  Self-confident, sociable, ambitious, energetic, verbal, assertive, optimistic, competitive  Enjoy positions of leadership, power, status

16 Enterprising: Occupations  Small Business Owner / CEO  Sales  Management  Politicians / Advocacy / Lobbying  Clergy  Public Relations  Fund Raising

17 Enterprising Quiz  What kind of car do they drive?  Lexus, BMW, Cadillac, Lincoln, high-end SUV  What is their ideal vacation?  Luxury cruise, spa retreat, week of golf, Hamptons or Cape Cod, skiing  What motivates them?  Persuading others  What do they buy?  Nice cars, good clothes, country club memberships, the latest equipment, bestsellers, Wall Street Journal

18 Conventional: The Organizers  Likes activities requiring attention to detail, organization, accuracy, data systems, filing systems  Enjoys mathematics and data management  Practical, organized, systematic, accurate, dependable, conscientious, efficient, quiet  Likes to organize others  Doesn’t mind being managed  Lives in orderliness  Solves problems by organizing

19 Conventional: occupations  Banker / Financial Services  Accountant  Office Manager  Event Planning  Data Management  Paralegal  Tax Consulting

20 Conventional Quiz  What kind of car do they drive?  Buick, Honda, Saturn, fuel efficient cars  What is their ideal vacation?  Historical cities, knitting workshop, pre-programmed tour, same cabin each year  What motivates them?  Organizing and bringing things together  What do they buy?  Hobby collections, how-to books, file cabinets and shelves

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