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Felt for signatur(enhet, navn og tittel) Associate Professor Annetine Staff Head of examination committee, member of semester committee Professor Kai-Håkon.

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Presentation on theme: "Felt for signatur(enhet, navn og tittel) Associate Professor Annetine Staff Head of examination committee, member of semester committee Professor Kai-Håkon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Felt for signatur(enhet, navn og tittel) Associate Professor Annetine Staff Head of examination committee, member of semester committee Professor Kai-Håkon Carlsen Head of semester committee, member of examination committee Professor Per Brodal Member of semester committee, member of examination committee New station based (OSCE) exam in 9th semester

2 Background Decided by the Board of the Medical faculty, University of Oslo From autumn semester 2008: written essay examination form of 9 th semester has been exchanged with a station based (OSCE) examination First station based examination for 9 th semester will be held on Wednesday the 14 th of January Two trial exams have been held: –Winter (11 students) and summer (26 students) 2008

3 When and where? Wednesday 14 th of January 2009 Class divided into 4 equal-sized groups (26 students in each group) Rikshospitalet, Ferdighetssenteret (Skills training center) Groups 1+2: 8.30-12.27 –8.30: Register (give your e-mail address for later feedback on exam result) Get your ID number to be used throughout the exam –8.40-8.50: Information about exam –9.00: start of station exam (24 test stations and 2 rest stations) 3 h 27 min (7 min x 26 +1 min x 25) for each student –12.27: end of exam Group 1+2 leave together and assemble until 13.00, to prevent contact with Group 3+4 Groups 3+4: 12.30-16.27 –Same program as above (except allowed to leave 16.27)

4 Two parallel circuits of 26 stations each Groups 1 + 2: morning –Downstairs (learning skill center), ”underetasje” –First floor: ”M-etasjen” (mellom-etasjen) Groups 3 + 4: afternoon –Same as above 26 stations: –9 stations gyn/obst –9 stations ped –4 stations anatomy/physiology –2 stations pathology –2 resting stations (drinking water/toilet)

5 Station content OSCE: objective standardized clinical evaluation: –Read the instructions carefully –Do what you are instructed to do Perform an examination, a test, etc./talk to a patient/examiner/mannequin (specified in the instruction) /fill in paper forms etc. If asked to communicate with a person, act as you would as a medical doctor: be polite, introduce yourself, tell what to do etc (read instructions and see what you are asked to do) Short answer questions –Read the instructions carefully –Do what you are instructed to do Fill in paper forms etc, write short answers MCQ: multiple choice questions –Read the instructions carefully –Do what you are instructed to do (tick most probable diagnosis etc) Leave paper form at station –face down (not to be seen by other students), will be picked up by examiners for scoring

6 In English or Norwegian? We assume most students will do most of the test in English, as all questions are in English, but the choice is yours! All station instructions are given in English Students may communicate with examinator/patient/mannequin/actor in either English or Norwegian Students may answer in written in either English or Norwegian

7 Stations: 7 min work and 1 minute walk/rest 8.30: Register 8.40-8.50/12.40-12.50: information by examination committee leader 8.50/12.50: Go to your first assigned station –First thing when arriving at the station: Fill in your ID number or show ID badge to examiner if no paper to fill in 9.00/ 13.00: First whistle: –start working at your first station (2 students will start at a rest station) 9.07/13.07: Second whistle: –stop working, leave station at once (remember ID number on paper forms) –go to next station: Move according to ascending numbers: If you started at number 26, your next station is number 1, and so forth. follow direction of arrows on the floor 9.08/13.08: Third whistle: –start working at your second station 9.15/13.15: 4th whistle: –stop working, leave for next station etc

8 Between work stations: 1 minute to rest/change room before next station 1 minute break before next whistle: –Go to next task –Stand with back to task until next whistle Exception: some rooms with closed doors may have short information/instruction on door and you use part of the 1 minute break to read this. Enter the room at next whistle (you then have 7 min to perform the task) 12.27/16.27: –LAST whistle (double sound): exam over –Groups 1+ 2: Move to assembly room at once, stay there until the next two groups (3+4) have started Students or teachers are not allowed to remove any test material from the exam rooms

9 Scoring system of exam Each station: –Same scoring system for all students –Examiners use a standardized, predesigned scoring system –A station constitutes 1/24 of total score (24 stations) –Questions/tasks in one station may be weighted differently according to importance –At OSCE stations: Examiner marks: –”failed/passed” etc for each task –a ”global score”: e.g. Excellent, good, borderline, poor (not passed), very poor (not passed)

10 Passing limits To pass the test: –  50% correct score totally (mean of the 24 stations) as well as  50 correct score for each of the 4 subjects: –Ped (mean of 9 stations) –Obst/gyn (mean of 9 stations) –Pathology (mean of 2 stations) –Anatomy/physiology (mean of 4 stations) What are global assessments at OSCE stations used for? –Intern evaluation for exam committee: Correlation global score and percentage score? (does excellent performance give a high score, do students below 50% score poor globally etc)

11 When will you know your result? Answer forms corrected by teachers on test day (14.01) –Plotted answers electronically controlled by 16.01.08 Exam committee meets with the class to receive feedback the day after exam: 15.01: 13.30-15.30 –Each station is discussed, the students will evaluate the exam (orally and scoring: ”global assessment”) –Individual students results are not known or given Exam committee will meet 19.01.08 –Reevaluate exam forms of students not passing exam Also by external exam sensor Individual results mailed to each student within few days –After 19.01.08

12 If you do not attend ordinary exam 14.01.2009 or fail? Students who do not have a legitimate reason for being absent from an examination are not allowed to attend the re- sit examination, and will be transferred to the following class. The following reasons qualify for a postponed examination: –a) The student falls ill prior to the examination (this must be confirmed by a written letter from a doctor) –b) The student falls ill during the examination (the students must immediately contact the Student Health Service at Blindern) –c) Students who have not passed the previous examination –d) Other important reasons: for example, death in the immediate family Resit exam: 24th of February 2009 –Oral (At the same level of difficulty as the station exam) –If failed station based exam: retested in the 1-2 subjects that failed the 14th of Januar If failed 3-4 subjects: all 4 subject will be retested If do not attend resit exam, or fail: New ordinary station based exam in June 2009

13 All students are offered station based examination training prior to ordinary exam December: 1st, 3rd and 4th GOOD LUCK TO ALL!

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