Laboratory Safety Rules. General Safety in the Laboratory The following lab rules must be observed at all times. Wear laboratory aprons and safety glasses.

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1 Laboratory Safety Rules

2 General Safety in the Laboratory The following lab rules must be observed at all times. Wear laboratory aprons and safety glasses when instructed. Safety goggles should be worn any time you are working with heat, chemical substances, or sharp objects. Safety aprons should be worn when working with any chemicals. No rough play (running, throwing) of any kind will be tolerated. Conduct yourself in a responsible manner at all times. Horseplay, practical jokes, and pranks are dangerous and prohibited.

3 Never perform unauthorized experiments. Directions must be followed exactly as stated in the lab handouts or by the teacher. No food or drink is allowed in the lab. Do not chew gum. G goggles A apron S sleeves H hair Gash

4 Never work alone in lab or leave a flame alone. Bring only your lab paper and pencil to the lab table. Leave your backpack and binder at your desk to reduce clutter.

5 Never drink from laboratory glassware. Never mix, touch, taste, heat, or inhale chemicals unless you are told to do so.

6 Read each experiment before beginning, and note any cautions or hazards described. Make sure that you understand the procedure before beginning the lab. If you don't understand exactly what you are supposed to be doing, ASK THE TEACHER FIRST!!! Report any spills to the teacher immediately so that they may be cleaned up in the proper manner. Report all accidents to the instructor no matter how minor.

7 Never reach across a flame. Keep all books, paper, hair, etc., away from open flames. Tie back long hair and loose fitting clothing whenever an open flame is being used.

8 Do not use chipped, cracked, or broken glassware. Do not let electrical cords dangle from work stations. This can cause you to trip or to drag the equipment off the lab bench. Be sure all gas jets, electrical connections, and water faucets are turned off at the end of the lab period.

9 Wash your hands with soap and water before leaving the lab. To avoid contamination, never return unused chemicals to their original containers. Unused chemicals should be disposed of properly.

10 Safety Equipment  These are the safety features of our lab. You must know the location and the proper use of each:  Eyewash Fountain  Fire Extinguisher  Fire Blanket  Fire Alarm

11 In case of eye contact, go to the eyewash station and flush eyes with running water for at least 15 minutes. Contact lenses should be removed immediately if possible.

12 Safety with Heat In case of fire use a fire extinguisher on an object. For a person--stop drop and roll and get the fire blanket.

13 Fire BlanketFire Alarm Use the fire blanket if clothing catches fire. The blanket should be spread on the floor so that the person whose clothing or hair is on fire can wrap it around the body while rolling. In most cases, simply pull down the handle.

14 Most fire extinguishers have a safety pin. Remove the safety pin and squeeze the handle to discharge the extinguisher.



17 Turn off the water and gas. Disconnect electrical devices. Return all materials to their proper places. Dispose of all chemicals according to your teacher’s instructions. Clean your work area. Wash your hands with soap and water.

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