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Motivational Needs Adapted from Chris Rose - Campaign Strategy Limited

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1 Motivational Needs Adapted from Chris Rose - Campaign Strategy Limited

2 Safety and belonging Success aka Pioneer aka Prospector aka Settler Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs – CDSM version - the unmet need is the dominant need Sequence of unconscious needs

3 Unmet needs Attitudes and beliefs Opinions and behaviours direction of drivers this cannot be reversed Consistency

4 settlers pioneers prospectors Prospectors – outer directed: need for success, esteem of others then self esteem. Acquire and display symbols of success. Settlers - need for security driven: safety, security, identity belonging. Keep things small, local, avoid risk Pioneers – inner directed. Need to connect actions with values, explore ideas, experiment. Networking, interests, ethics, innovation Drivers and behaviours – unmet needs

5 SETTLER Security Family Price Local Escapist Solidarity Community Thrifty Roots Comfort Fearful

6 PROSPECTORS Jet Setting Wealth Appearance Keeping Up with the Jones’ Right Neighbourhood Glamour Position Importance

7 PIONEERS Confident Value Knowledge Discerning Quality Information Contacts People-Focused Risk Takers Individuality

8 Settler, Prospector, Pioneer propositions, + messengers Will Anderson Energy independence = safety Sign of success = power /right stuff to own Ethically right thing to do

9 Your targets Registrar of Parirenyatwa Hospital

10 Settler Pioneer Prospector

11 Almost all of the calls for Human Rights / Social Change have come from just one bit of the map

12 settlers pioneers prospectors Drivers and behaviours – unmet needs

13 Nature Openness Justice Universalism Benevolence Caring Loyalty Tradition Conformity Religious Be Satisfied Rules Propriety Security National Security Safety Power Control Others Material Wealth Achievement Visible Success Visible Ability Hedonism Fun Good Time Stimulation Adventure Novelty Self Direction Creativity Self Choice These are the values of the ‘green’ base They campaign in these terms For “green” read ‘ethical’

14 So politicians keep hearing and seeing the same thing from the same group of people – a minority in almost all countries

15 Nature Openness Justice Universalism Benevolence Caring Loyalty Tradition Conformity Religious Be Satisfied Rules Propriety Security National Security Safety Power Control Others Material Wealth Achievement Visible Success Visible Ability Hedonism Fun Good Time Stimulation Adventure Novelty Self Direction Creativity Self Choice They aren’t hearing much demand or support from other parts of the map … with values like these and these folk have votes

16 C ULTURAL D YNAMICS S TRATEGY & M ARKETING © Cultural Dynamics Strategy & Marketing Ltd., 2003-2009. All right reserved. Nature Openness Justice Universalism Benevolence Caring Loyalty Tradition Conformity Religious Be Satisfied Rules Propriety Security National Security Safety Power Control Others Material Wealth Achievement Visible Success Visible Ability Hedonism Fun Good Time Stimulation Adventure Novelty Self Direction Creativity Self Choice Power versus Univeralism (a key antagonism) Repeated campaigning in the values terms of the base also sets up debate with those of opposing values, as they feel they threaten their success

17 C ULTURAL D YNAMICS S TRATEGY & M ARKETING © Cultural Dynamics Strategy & Marketing Ltd., 2003-2009. All right reserved. Nature Openness Justice Universalism Benevolence Caring Loyalty Tradition Conformity Religious Be Satisfied Rules Propriety Security National Security Safety Power Control Others Material Wealth Achievement Visible Success Visible Ability Hedonism Fun Good Time Stimulation Adventure Novelty Self Direction Creativity Self Choice And these people find climate campaigns are ‘no fun’

18 C ULTURAL YNAMICS S TRATEGY & M ARKETING © Cultural Dynamics Strategy & Marketing Ltd., 2003-2009. All right reserved. Nature Openness Justice Universalism Benevolence Caring Loyalty Tradition Conformity Religious Be Satisfied Rules Propriety Security National Security Safety Power Control Others Material Wealth Achievement Visible Success Visible Ability Hedonism Fun Good Time Stimulation Adventure Novelty Self Direction Creativity Self Choice And these people don’t like change campaigns, especially global ones

19 Nature Openness Justice Universalism Benevolence Caring Loyalty Tradition Conformity Religious Be Satisfied Rules Propriety Security National Security Safety Power Control Others Material Wealth Achievement Visible Success Visible Ability Hedonism Fun Good Time Stimulation Adventure Novelty Self Direction Creativity Self Choice Politicians need to hear ‘yes’ on climate action from people with these values too

20 Nature Openness Justice Universalism Benevolence Caring Loyalty Tradition Conformity Religious Be Satisfied Rules Propriety Security National Security Safety Power Control Others Material Wealth Achievement Visible Success Visible Ability Hedonism Fun Good Time Stimulation Adventure Novelty Self Direction Creativity Self Choice It can be done – it is being done, a bit ‘In Kansas, Climate Skeptics Embrace Cleaner Energy’ GlobalCool

21 52 % of people in the Midwest disagree with the statement that there is: “solid evidence that the average temperature on earth has been getting warmer” ‘In Kansas, Climate Sceptics Embrace Cleaner Energy’

22 Speaking to her audience’s values 1.Invoked the notion of thrift. Persuaded towns to compete to become more energy-efficient. 2.Worked with civic leaders to embrace green jobs as a way of rescuing their communities. 3.Spoke with local ministers about “creation care”, the obligation of Christians to act as stewards of the world that God gave them

23 In the course of the program energy use in the towns declined as much as 5 percent relative to other areas.

24 The Maddow Blog: ‘Arts win one in Kansas culture war’ By a vote of 24-13, the Kansas Senate passed a resolution disapproving of Gov. Brownback's plan to eliminate the Kansas Arts Commission, effectively rejecting the governor's executive of 24-13a resolution

25 The Maddow Blog: ‘Arts win one in Kansas culture war’ “… and it might not be high art but it's watercolor classes (…) And the senators see those arts centers as a really important piece of maintaining quality of life in very small communities.” “They made sure those senators knew exactly which organizations in their districts received funding from the Commission and asked them to think about what would happen to those organizations if the Kansas Arts Commission were eliminated. It was about making them understand that correlation between a little bit of state funding and a huge impact in local communities. And those who understood it voted our way."

26 We aim to inspire and amuse Not lecture and confuse

27 Global Cool’s target audience: outward directed Have not responded to climate change messaging Have significant influence: – ~30% of UK public – Are early adopters – And highly visible Have high carbon footprints Define themselves by things they own: visual symbols of success Spend as much as they can on visual symbols – clothes, gadgets, homes, cars They want to be better than everyone else –the best Very active on-line : major users of social networking

28 Overriding principle:  Don’t: assume people care about the environment / carbon / sustainability / blah blah blah... Do: ‘work with the grain’ of what they do care about: –Looking great –Being the best –Being popular –Celebrities – Entertainment – Film – Music – Fashion – Adventure – Glamour


30 Turn up the Style: Turn down the Heat Home energy use, Winter 09 Promoting wrapping up – and going easy on the heating Making it cool: Set of films with celebrity models / stylists creating fabulous warm Winter ‘looks’ Focus on how to burn calories – not money – by turning down the heating Promoting with ASOS, on-line fashion retailer, and syndicated across internet, eg, to Hello!, OK! FabSugar, On-line ‘hot or not’ voting for best user-generated looks: voting via heating controls! Making it easy: Advice on finding and using heating controls: many people don’t know what theirs look like or how to use them Videos viewed 20,000 times in the first week! Campaign artwork featuring (clockwise from top left): Jo Wood, Stella Tennant, Leah Wood and VV Brown.

31 Our approach is to ‘sell’ the action The problem Action Start Promote the action – make it attractive in terms that are attractive to the audience: eg, visible symbols of success All commercial marketing works this way

32 The fun theory Pyw

33 “Red is not a charity, Red is not a cause, Red is not a theory. Red is an ingenious idea that unites our incredible collective power as consumers with our innate urge to help others. Red is where virtue meets desire … The most sought after brands in the world have become Red partners … American Express, Apple, Converse, Dell, Emporio Armani, Gap, Hallmark, Microsoft …”.

34 - Pioneer-Prospector overlap positioning Display stuff Celebs + shopping Brand support Authentic personal stories Fun night out Action mechanism: shop to stop HIV


36 Prospectors Settlers

37 Exercise Encourage people to use generic medicines (as opposed to brand name) What arguments would you use to convince: –A settler ? –A prospector ? –A pioneer ?

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