J.B. Speed School of Engineering University of Louisville Kentucky Energy Efficiency Program for Schools KEEPS Energy Management Toolkit Step 1 Make the.

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Presentation on theme: "J.B. Speed School of Engineering University of Louisville Kentucky Energy Efficiency Program for Schools KEEPS Energy Management Toolkit Step 1 Make the."— Presentation transcript:

1 J.B. Speed School of Engineering University of Louisville Kentucky Energy Efficiency Program for Schools KEEPS Energy Management Toolkit Step 1 Make the Commitment Toolkit 1 C Develop a Communications Plan

2 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 2 KEEPS Energy Management Toolkit Toolkit 1 C Develop a Communications Plan

3 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 3 7-Step Energy Management Process 1.Make the Commitment 2.Assess Performance and Opportunities 3.Set Performance Goals 4.Create an Action Plan 5.Implement the Action Plan 6.Evaluate Progress 7.Recognize Achievements

4 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 4 Communications Plan Overview Importance Components Get the Message Out

5 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability Why develop a Communications Plan? Raise awareness Gain interest Explain how the program works Point out the benefits 5

6 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 6 Communications Plan Components Communications Plan StakeholderMessageActivities

7 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 7 Who are our district’s stakeholders? Message Activities Stakeholder Communications Plan

8 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 8 Stakeholders Everyone in our district is an energy consumer. Internal Stakeholders External Stakeholders BUILDINGS DON’T USE ENERGY; PEOPLE DO.

9 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 9 Stakeholders StudentsStaffPTA TeachersCommunityUtility Co. PrincipalsParents School Board VendorsBusinesses Government

10 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 10 Worksheet: STAKEHOLDERS

11 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 11 What is our message? Message Activities Stakeholder Communications Plan

12 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 12 Message: What and Why? What does having an Energy Management Program mean to our district? What does our district want to achieve by developing an Energy Management Program?

13 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 13 Brainwriting: MESSAGE

14 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability Message: Example Elements Simple Brief Direct Address specific stakeholders 14

15 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 15 Back up the Message

16 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 16 How do we communicate our message? Message Activities Stakeholder Communications Plan

17 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 17 Brainwriting: ACTIVITIES

18 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 18 Ideas for Communications Activities Send memo out to all district faculty and staff Gather information from faculty and staff about energy awareness Encourage schools to create school-level Energy Teams Give daily/weekly announcements and energy tips Publish article in district or school newsletter Post article or notice on district website Hold district-wide contest to create energy mascot Develop tag line or slogan for energy program

19 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability Creative Communications Kenton County Public Schools 19 Bullitt County Public Schools Touchstone Energy

20 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 20 Worksheet: ACTIVITIES

21 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 21 Activity Considerations Timeline Creating Arranging Executing Energy Team member(s) responsible Materials needed for activity Location availability Tools and resources available

22 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 22 Worksheet: TIMELINE/ TEAM MEMBER(S)

23 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 23 Communications Plan Summary Communication is about raising awareness Keep our stakeholders informed about our program’s initiatives and successes Utilize best/available resources within our Energy Team and within the district Be creative

24 J.B. Speed School of Engineering University of Louisville (502) 852-0965 www.kppc.org/KEEPS Kentucky Energy Efficiency Program for Schools KEEPS is funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act through the combined efforts of the Kentucky Department for Energy Development and Independence, the U.S. Department of Energy and KPPC.

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