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Presentation on theme: "Insert: Presenter Name Insert: Presenter Title / Organization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Insert: Presenter Name Insert: Presenter Title / Organization

2 Building Hope: Understanding the Potential Impact of Pandemic Influenza and Creating a Plan Section 2

3 The 1918 Spread Source: America’s Forgotten Pandemic: The Influenza of 1918

4 The 1918 Spread Source: America’s Forgotten Pandemic: The Influenza of 1918

5 The 1918 Spread Source: America’s Forgotten Pandemic: The Influenza of 1918

6 The 1918 Spread Source: America’s Forgotten Pandemic: The Influenza of 1918

7 The 1918 Spread Source: America’s Forgotten Pandemic: The Influenza of 1918

8 The 1918 Spread Source: America’s Forgotten Pandemic: The Influenza of 1918

9 Section 2: Goals By the end of this section, you will be able to: List pandemic influenza impacts Develop a basic pandemic influenza preparedness and response plan

10 Objectives 1.Describe potential impacts 2.Establish planning team 3.Write critical action steps

11 Your Role is Essential Characteristics of your FBO: Represent a cross-section Provide community outreach Facilities, resources, assets

12 A Moment Caught in History The 1918 Pandemic Communication low A questionable understanding Tracking poor Photo Credit: National Archives at College Park, MD Record #: 165-WW-269B-15

13 From 1918 to Today Today’s Standards Communication immediate In-depth understanding Advanced tracking Drawbacks Airplane travel Population density

14 A Possible Pandemic Influenza Prediction of pandemic influenza… Impossible. But, the threat is real.

15 Potential Impacts High levels of illness and death lead to: Social disruption Economic loss Everyday life would be disrupted

16 Potential Impacts - General General Impact – What is it? Issue dealt with by every state and community

17 Potential Impacts - General (cont.) Impacts from disruption and loss: Public gatherings halted Lost public transportation No food delivery

18 No one is exempt: 30% or higher could become sick 20% adults infected 40% school-age children infected Potential Impacts - General (cont.)

19 Review: Public gatherings halted Lost public transportation No food delivery 30% or higher could become sick Potential Impacts - General (cont.)

20 Identifying: Unique impact on community Unique impact on organization Areas of vulnerability These include the following… Community/Organizational Impacts

21 Community/Organizational (cont.) High rate of infection leads to: Hospitalizations and deaths Impact on high-risk groups Infants Elderly Pregnant women Poor Persons w/ chronic medical conditions Photo Credit: National Museum of Health and Medicine, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology

22 Consider the “30-20-40 Rule” Your Community: Total population x 30% Your Organization: Total number of adults x 20% Community/Organizational (cont.)

23 Waves of a Pandemic: Could last for 6 – 8 weeks Occur any time of year Take place multiple times throughout a year or more Community/Organizational (cont.)

24 40% Absenteeism during peak weeks Sick employees Sick family members Fear of illness Photo Credit: National Archives at College Park, MD Record #: 165-WW-269B-16 Community/Organizational (cont.)

25 Your Place of Worship in a Pandemic Many members affected Counseling and support needed Standard services halted Community/Organizational (cont.)

26 Cost to minimize spread Disrupt normal functions/activities Transform/Suspend services, classes, activities Community/Organizational (cont.)

27 Potential Economic Consequences: Budget reductions Loss of productivity Increased costs Community/Organizational (cont.)

28 Review: Increased hospitalizations Impact on high-risk groups “30-20-40 Rule” 6 – 8 week pandemic waves 40% absenteeism Community/Organizational (cont.) Many members affected Counseling/ Support services Activities disrupted Budgets restricted Productivity loss Increased costs

29 Keep in Mind… Specific demands may include: Expanded electronic/communications capabilities Expanded health activities Expanded community-outreach activities

30 Practice Quiz 1. Name the four (4) general impacts from pandemic influenza.

31 Practice Quiz 2. Name at least five (5) community/organizational impacts from pandemic influenza.

32 Developing a Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Plan for Your Faith-Based Organization

33 Planning Overview Primary planning steps: Assign key staff Determine potential impacts Develop contingency plans

34 Planning Overview (cont.) Contingency plans will: Maintain all critical functions Extend timely and factual information Deliver crisis communications Coordinate with external organizations and agencies

35 Planning Overview (cont.) Share your plan with: Staff Organizational members External organizations and agencies Persons in communities you serve Photo Credit: CDC, James Gathany ID # 4834

36 Step 1 Goal: Establish a Planning Committee Responsibility to plan: Develop Maintain Implement

37 Step 1 (cont.) Committee structure: Lead manager Alternate manager Other members

38 Step 1 (cont.) Committee make up – based on knowledge of: Finances Volunteer base / paid staff Services Local resources

39 Step 1 (cont.) It is important to: Record contact info Develop contact info for external contacts

40 Step 2 Goal: List critical activities and services To do: List all primary functions Determine critical functions

41 Step 2 (cont.) Primary vs. Critical Functions Primary - Worship Services, Youth Education, Counseling Services, Weddings Critical - Worship Services, Counseling Services

42 Step 3 Goal: Develop contingency plans. Include: Name and description List of personnel Impact of social distancing Needs and opportunities to cross-train Alternative approaches

43 Step 4 Goal: Disseminate information To: Staff Organizational members Persons in the communities

44 Step 5 Goal: Develop communications plan To provide: Identification of key contacts Chain of communications Track and communicate organization and employee status

45 Step 5 (cont.) To provide: Employees / Volunteers Organization leaders Organization members Public Government Vendors

46 Step 5 (cont.) Telephone Call Tree Procedure Sample Telephone Call Tree Protocol Position/TitleName Phone Number Order of Call Down Person Initiating Call Down Person Terminating Call Down Primary Pan. Flu Manager 1X Secondary Pan. Flu Manager 2 Staff A 3 Staff B 4 Staff C 5 Staff D… 6X

47 Step 6 Goal: Identify special needs Of: Elderly Disabled Poor Limited English speakers Reading/Learning impaired

48 Step 7 Goal: Coordinate with others With external orgs and agencies: Existing plans Use of your facilities Your potential involvement

49 Step 8 Goal: Share your plan With: Staff / members Volunteers Agencies / organizations Other FBOs

50 Record of Changes 1.Review semi-annually 2.Date of change 3.Who made the change

51 Practice Quiz 1. A planning committee should be made up with individuals knowledgeable in what?

52 Practice Quiz 2. What is the difference between a primary function and a critical function?

53 Practice Quiz 3. List at least three (3) components that should be included in a contingency plan.

54 Review Potential general impacts of a pandemic include: Public gatherings halted Lost public transportation No food delivery 30% or higher could become sick

55 Review Potential community/organizational impacts of a pandemic include: Increased hospitalizations Impact on high-risk groups “30-20-40 Rule” 6 – 8 week pandemic waves 40% absenteeism Many members affected…

56 Review Community/organizational impacts continued… Counseling/Support services needed Disruption of normal activities Budget restrictions Loss of productivity Increased costs

57 Review A planning committee should be made up with individuals knowledgeable in: Finances Volunteer base / paid staff Services Local resources

58 Review Examples of primary and critical functions: Primary - Worship Services, Youth Education, Counseling Services, Weddings Critical - Worship Services, Counseling Services

59 Review Contingency plans include: Name and description List of personnel Impact of social distancing Needs and opportunities to cross-train Alternative approaches

60 Questions? Supported by:

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