Paul Grainger ELT Product Specialist CENGAGE Learning 23 July 2011 VUS TESOL A New Perspective on Motivating Today’s Students.

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Presentation on theme: "Paul Grainger ELT Product Specialist CENGAGE Learning 23 July 2011 VUS TESOL A New Perspective on Motivating Today’s Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paul Grainger ELT Product Specialist CENGAGE Learning 23 July 2011 VUS TESOL A New Perspective on Motivating Today’s Students

2 Presentation title (Edit in View > Header and Footer) 2 Paul Grainger Senior ELT Product Specialist Cengage Learning

3 Teaching and Learning

4 Presentation title (Edit in View > Header and Footer) 4 Discussion What are the differences between today’s teenagers, and teenagers from 10+ years ago?

5 Video Clip A Vision of K-12 Students Today What is the most interesting thing you learnt from this video clip?

6 Video: A Vision of K-12 Students Today In class, I want to: engaged___ 2.think________ 3.create_______ 4.analyze______ 5.evaluate_____ 6.apply_______ 7.share info____ 8.learn by doing 9.use technology

7 Presentation title (Edit in View > Header and Footer) 7 Students Today more creative more visual more technology literate more independent more ______________

8 The Key to Learning Q: Why is it becoming so difficult to teach students these days? A: Because…

9 Mark Prensky 2001 – Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants

10 Examples of the ‘digital immigrant accent’ Turning to the Internet for information second rather than first Reading the instructions for a new mobile phone Printing out your email Asking someone else to print it out for you! Bringing someone physically to see an interesting website, instead of send them the URL Phoning someone to check if they got your e-mail

11 Time allocation for digital natives Order these activities in terms of average number of hours spent per week ( 1 = most, 4 = least ) Talking on the phone Playing video games Watching TV Reading books


13 How do digital natives feel towards digital immigrants?



16 How do digital natives feel at school?


18 Key Message “Our students have changed radically. Today’s students are no longer the people our educational system was designed to teach.” “Today’ students think and process information fundamentally differently from previous generations.”

19 Key Message “Digital Immigrant teachers assume that learners are the same as they have always been, and that the same methods that worked for the teachers when they were students will work for their students now. But that assumption is no longer valid.

20 The Key to Learning Q: Why is it becoming so difficult to teach students these days? A: Because today’s students think and process information differently.

21 Teaching & Learning styles 1.In a 45 minute class, how much time do YOU spend talking? 2.On average, how many activities do you have in one class? 3.How often do you use pictures in class? 4.How often do you ask students to do pair / groupwork in one class? 5.How often do you get angry when students make mistakes? 6.What do you do more – praise or blame students? 7.How often does the average student ask a question in class? 8.Are your lessons fun?

22 Characteristics of games 1. Learn by playing 2. Fast 3. Strong graphics 4. Interactive 5. Fun! 6. Sense of progress 7. Frequent rewards 8. Learn from mistakes 9. Collaborative 10. Multi-tasking

23 Learning Styles Digital NativesDigital Immigrants Learn by doing Fast Graphic before text Interactive Fun Sense of progress Frequent rewards Learn from mistakes Collaborative Multi-tasking Learn by rote Slow Text before graphic One way / lecture -style Boring Sense of failure Punishments over rewards Avoid mistakes at all costs! Individual One thing at a time

24 French class - How NOT to teach to Digital Natives

25 Video: A Vision of K-12 Students Today In class, I want to: engaged___ 2.think________ 3.create_______ 4.analyze______ 5.evaluate_____ 6.apply_______ 7.share info____ 8.learn by doing 9.use technology

26 Multi-modal Learning What is it?

27 Five themes Incredible Animals Fascinating Places Remarkable People Exciting Activities Amazing Science


29 “You don’t understand anything until you learn it more than one way.” Marvin Minsky

30 Technology Tools 1.Audio CDs 2.Online readers 3.DVDs ( in class ) 4.Presentation Tool 5.CD-ROMs 6.Test-generators

31 DVD Discuss with your partner ( 2 mins ): Do you use video clips for teaching? ( If no, why not? If yes, why? ) What challenges / problems are there for using video clips in class? ACTIVITY: Watch the clip from ‘Monkey Party’ and find solutions for the challenges we have brainstormed.

32 DVD - Solutions Adapted voice over – simplifying from original Short ( 2-4 mins ) Recycle language from unit Related to topic of unit Globally appropriate content Exciting, high quality clips from National Geographic! Student book with pre, while & post viewing activities

33 DVD Worksheet ( TB )

34 Technology Tools 1.Audio CDs 2.Online readers 3.DVDs ( in class ) 4.Presentation Tool 5.CD-ROMs 6.Test-generators



37 Technology Tools 1.Audio CDs 2.Online readers 3.DVDs ( in class ) 4.Presentation Tool 5.CD-ROMs 6.Test-generators

38 What should we do? Should the Digital Native students learn the old ways, or should their Digital Immigrant educators learn the new? it is highly unlikely the Digital Natives will go backwards

39 Presentation title (Edit in View > Header and Footer) 39 “If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.” Ignacio Estrada

40 Oh no! Does that mean I have to completely change the way I teach? Cultural literacy Critical thinking skills Cross-curricular content Visual literacy Multi-modal skills

41 Meet students halfway! Older techniques + newer techniques

42 Balance of old & new OldNew Vocabulary Dialogues Grammar Speaking Pronunciation Writing Reading Stunning pictures Projects DVD Fast finishers Study Skills Culture Cross-curricular

43 Student site

44 Can you remember? 1.What is a digital native? 2.What is a digital immigrant? 3.What is the best way to teach today’s students? 4.What is 1 thing that YOU will change about your teaching to suit the style of digital natives?

45 “Knowing is not enough, we must apply; Willing is not enough, we must do” Lee Jun Fan ‘Bruce Lee’ (1940-1973)

46 Any Questions?

47 Presentation title (Edit in View > Header and Footer) 47 Contact us: Thank you kindly for your attention and time today.

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