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Basic Computer Vocabulary. Browser -- Software used to navigate the Internet. BOLD -- A style of text that makes a letter or word darker and thicker to.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Computer Vocabulary. Browser -- Software used to navigate the Internet. BOLD -- A style of text that makes a letter or word darker and thicker to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Computer Vocabulary

2 Browser -- Software used to navigate the Internet. BOLD -- A style of text that makes a letter or word darker and thicker to stand out in a document.

3 CPU -- Central Processing Unit. The brain of the computer, located inside of the system unit (tower). CURSOR --A moving indicator displayed on a computer monitor that shows a computer operator where the next action or operation will take place.

4 DELETE -- A key used to erase characters. EDIT -- To make changes in a document or presentation. ENTER -- The key used to begin a new line in a word processor. FONT -- The shape and style of text.

5 GRAPHIC – Images or pictures that are created, edited, or published using a computer. HIGHLIGHT -- To choose part of a document by clicking and dragging over it with the mouse to select the text.

6 HOME ROW -- Keys on the keyboard with fingers of the left hand are on A-S-D-F and fingers on the right hand on J-K-L-; I Beam – Looks like a capital “I” and can be moved to select a new position for the cursor or to select text

7 Icons – Symbols or illustrations appearing on the computer screen that indicate program files or other computer functions. Input device – sends data in to the computer…keyboard, mouse, webcam Output devices – sends data out from the computer…monitor, speakers

8 INDENT -- To set the first line of a paragraph in from the margin in a word processing document. LANDSCAPE -- The page setup that permits a document to be printed in a horizontal position.

9 LINE SPACING – The area between lines of text. PASTE -- To insert the last information that was cut or copied into a document. PORTRAIT -- The default page setup that prints the document vertically.

10 PRINT -- To put what is on the computer screen on paper. It creates a paper copy of the document created on the computer. SAVE -- To store information on a disk, hard drive, flash drive, or CD for later use. SAVE AS -- To save a document with a new name or for the first time.

11 TASK BAR—Gray bar a the bottom of the screen that shows you what programs or folders are open. “Start” button on the left. TEXT -- the written or printed material on a document. WORD PROCESSING -- Using keyboarding skills to produce documents such as letters, reports, manuals, and newsletters.

12 More terms to know… Speed – measure in wpm (words per minute). Accuracy – a measure of errors (mistakes). Technique- proper keyboarding technique including posture, wrist position, and touch typing, and home row anchoring. Qwerty Keyboard –named after the five letter keys located at the top left side of the keyboard; official standard of computer keyboards. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – affects the wrists, usually caused from doing a repetitive task such as typing.

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