Agenda: 10/29/13  Lecture: The Ideas Behind World War II  George Orwell: What is Fascism?  Homework:  Kennedy reading Assignment #2 due on Thursday.

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1 Agenda: 10/29/13  Lecture: The Ideas Behind World War II  George Orwell: What is Fascism?  Homework:  Kennedy reading Assignment #2 due on Thursday.  Finish Orwell reading for tomorrow.

2 Rise of Hitler Nationalism Militarism Appeasement Anti- communism Economic depression Japanese expansionism Rise of fascism in Italy Treaty of Versailles Major Causes of World War II

3 Legacy of WWI: Problems with Versailles The treaty punished Germany and left bitter feelings. “Das Diktat.” Germany was forced to accept all the blame for the war and pay millions in reparations to Britain and France. Italy was disappointed that it was denied territory promised by Britain and France. British Prime Minister George 1914 1919

4 Worldwide Economic Depression: After WWI, many European economies were unstable. U.S. Economy supported Europe The 1929 stock market crash in the U.S. and Great Depression spread worldwide People turned to powerful leaders. Q: What was wrong with democracy? German breadlines Japanese children eating radish roots during famine

5 American Isolationism: Americans dislike international involvement. WWI and past experiences make them hesitate. The U.S. was in a depression. (Has its own problems.) Conflict in Europe seemed distant, and the U.S. tried to remain neutral. The Nye Committee held congressional hearings in the mid-1930s, concluding that the U.S. was tricked into entering WWI by arms manufacturers and Allied propaganda.

6 Mean while, in Europe and elsewhere, Militarism becomes popular: War and fighting become a society’s focus. The glorification of war is incorporated into all levels of society, including education. The Aztec empire was a militaristic society Hitler Youth group Examples of Militarism: National draft, Buildup of army/navy, Calls for war “War is the health of the state”

7 Nationalism: Nationalism is the belief in the superiority of one’s own nation and, in some cases, race (Aryan, Yamato). Hitler, Mussolini, and Japan’s Hideki Tojo each used Nationalism to convince their people to expand. Nazi flag, Italian fascist logo, Japanese flag

8 Agenda: 10/30/13  Question: So what is Fascism, anyways?  Lecture: The Ideas Behind World War II cont’d  In-class Workshop:  Kennedy Questions Sets #1 & #2  In-class group share  Homework:  Kennedy Questions #2 = Due Tomorrow  Kennedy Questions #3 = Due Monday  “Johnny Got His Gun” Reading (annotated + 5 discussion questions) = Due Tuesday

9 Rise of Fascism: Fascism is a totalitarian form of government which: Glorifies “the state” Has one leader and one party Everything in society can controlled by the government No opposition or protests are tolerated Propaganda and censorship are widely practiced Benito Mussolini came to power in 1922 and helped found the political ideology of fascism. He sided with the Axis powers in 1940.

10 Anti-Communism: The 1930s saw the rise of many totalitarian regimes; but many people chose fascism over communism. Hitler exploited people’s fear of a communist takeover in Germany to rise to power in 1933. Other nations chose the same – fearing Communism and choosing Fascism instead. A Battle for Germany: Nazi anti-communist book from 1933

11 The Rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party Election dateVotes in millions Share May 20, 19280.812.6% September 14, 19306.4118.3% July 31, 193213.7537.3% November 6, 193211.7433.1% March 5, 193317.2843.9% Voting for Hitler’s party increased as unemployment rates rose

12 Appeasement: In Germany … Appeasement: The act of giving in to an enemy’s demands in hopes of avoiding conflict. Hitler annexes Austria in Early 1938 - “Anschluss” Late 1938, Hitler demanded that Czechoslovakia cede the Sudetenland to Germany. [The Czech Crisis] The British and French prime ministers agree. Czech leaders not consulted. Hitler shaking hands with Neville Chamberlain, British prime minister.

13 Japanese Expansion: In 1931, Japan invaded Manchuria for raw materials. Japan launched full attack China in 1937 [Sino-Japanese War] Wanted to create “Greater East Asian Co- Prosperity Sphere.”

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