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Federal Acquisition Service U.S. General Services Administration Going Green – How to Write Green Requirements Adam Jones Procurement Analyst General Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Federal Acquisition Service U.S. General Services Administration Going Green – How to Write Green Requirements Adam Jones Procurement Analyst General Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal Acquisition Service U.S. General Services Administration Going Green – How to Write Green Requirements Adam Jones Procurement Analyst General Services Administration May 5, 2010

2 Federal Acquisition Service 2 Value to the Customer  Value: Increase in awareness  Example: Awareness precedes compliance  Value: Leadership in sustainability  Example: Goals of E.O. 13514

3 Federal Acquisition Service 3 Agenda  Requirements overview  Greening solicitation/contract parts  Examples

4 Federal Acquisition Service 4 Regulatory Overview  Executive Order 13514 (Oct 2009)  Executive Order 13423 (Jan 2007)  EISA 2007  EPACT of 1992, 2005  RCRA  Clean Air Act

5 Federal Acquisition Service 5 FAR Part 23  Prescribes acquisition policies and procedures related to:  Energy and water efficiency  Recovered materials and biobased products  Environmentally preferable supplies and services  Ozone-depleting substances  Requires acquisition strategies that maximize utilization of environmentally preferable products and services

6 Federal Acquisition Service 6 What is EPP?  Environmentally Preferable Purchasing  Best value  EPA’s EPP Program (  No set standards  Apply to any product/service

7 Federal Acquisition Service 7 Planning Green  What are the applicable regulations?  What alternative products or services exist?  What environmental labels or standards apply?  What is the environmental impact of a product/service throughout its life cycle?  Is a performance-based approach appropriate?  Is a green evaluation preference appropriate?

8 Federal Acquisition Service 8 Environmental Labels and Standards  Recycled content  Energy Star®  FEMP-designated  EPEAT  WaterSense  SNAP  3 rd party standards

9 Federal Acquisition Service 9 Solicitation/Contract Parts  Instructions to offerors  Contract clauses  Performance requirements/statements of work  Packaging  Delivery  Evaluation factors

10 Federal Acquisition Service 10 Instructions to Offerors  Mandate vendors to:  Submit electronic proposals  Describe planned use of green products  Provide an environmental impact statement –Reduce travel –Recycle or reuse excess materials –Minimize materials used  Required FAR or agency provisions

11 Federal Acquisition Service 11 Contract Clauses  Required or optional FAR clauses  Agency-specific clauses

12 Federal Acquisition Service 12 Performance Requirements/SOW  When practical, may require contractors to:  Use green products  Reuse or recycle materials used in performance  Perform contract off-site  Conduct meetings via video- or teleconferencing  Submit electronic deliverables  Incorporate green aspects of successful proposal into the contract

13 Federal Acquisition Service 13 Packaging  Minimize packaging  Recycled content in packaging  Reusable containers  Take back program  Recyclability of packaging  Reduction/elimination of toxics in packaging

14 Federal Acquisition Service 14 Delivery  Supplies  Limit number of shipments per week  Favor vendors that minimize shipments  Give preference to AFVs  Services  Require electronic deliverables  Limit number of hard copies  Favor black/white, double-sided, soy-based ink

15 Federal Acquisition Service 15 Evaluation Factors – Specific Criteria  How much travel will be needed? Describe.  Describe any reusable products used during performance.  Does this service meet any voluntary consensus standards?  Do you have videoconferencing capabilities and will they be utilized in lieu of in-person meetings?

16 Federal Acquisition Service 16 Evaluation Factors – Open-Ended  Environmental Impact Statement  Waste Minimization Plan  Planned Use of Green Products

17 Federal Acquisition Service 17 Example: Event Management Services  Give preference to vendors that propose/have:  Mass-transit accessible/efficient transportation routes  Electronic distribution of materials  Online registration  Reusable food serviceware  Energy and water conservation programs  Recycling and waste minimization programs  Reusable badges, signage

18 Federal Acquisition Service 18 Services: DOI Custodial Services  Required attributes  No hazardous wastes, carcinogens, sealed aerosol spray cans  recycled content standards  “Desirable” attributes  Biodegradability; recycled containers; minimal skin, eye, respiratory irritation  Plan to enhance recycling in building

19 Federal Acquisition Service 19 Additional Resources          

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