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Chapter 43 The Animal Body and Principles of Regulation Max Ammendolea Greg Raube.

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1 Chapter 43 The Animal Body and Principles of Regulation Max Ammendolea Greg Raube

2 Organization of the Vertebrate Body There are levels of organization in the vertebrate body -cells -tissues -organs -organ systems

3 Tissues are groups of cells of a single type and function Early in development, the cells of the growing embryo differentiate into the three fundamental embryonic tissues called germ layers -endoderm -mesoderm -ectoderm Four principal kinds of tissues in adult vertebrates -epithelial, connective, muscle, and nerve tissue

4 Organs and organ systems provide specialized functions - organs are body structures composed of several different types of tissues that form a structural and functional unit -organ system is a group of organs that cooperate to perform the major activities of the body The general body plan of vertebrates is a tube within a tube, with internal support Vertebrates have both dorsal and ventral body cavities -dorsal cavity is cranium and vertebrae -ventral: thoracic (pericardial, pleural) cavity and abdominopelvic (peritoneal) cavity

5 Epithelial Tissue Rows of cells exposed to open area and anchored down by a basement membrane to connective tissue Three types of epithelial cell structures -squamous, cuboidal, and columnar Classified as simple or stratified Function in protection, transport, and secretion -examples?

6 Connective Tissue All CT are widely spaced apart cells in a matrix of extracellular material CT function in protecting (bone), support (cartilage), food storage (fat or adipose tissue) CT can be either proper or special

7 CT Proper May Be Either Loose or Dense Fibroblast cells produce and secrete the extracellular matrix (collagen and elastin fibers) Loose CT consists of cells scattered within a matrix that contains a large amount of fluid material and fibers. They provide support, insulation, food storage, and nourishment for epithelium -Adipose tissue is fat tissue Dense CT has a lot more collagen than Loose CT making it structurally stronger. They provide flexible, strong connections -tendons of muscles

8 Special CT have unique characteristics Cartilage provides flexible support and is a shock absorber (intervertebral disks) Bone protects internal organs and provides rigid support for muscle attachment Blood functions as highway of immune system and primary means of communication between organs

9 Muscle Tissue Muscles are the motors of the vertebrate body Three types -skeletal: voluntary, moves the body -smooth: involuntary, control most actions of organs -cardiac: involuntary, controls the heart

10 Nerve Tissue Composed of nerve cells (neurons) and their supporting cells (neuroglia) that are specialized to produce and conduct electrochemical events (impulses) Two divisions of the nervous system coordinate activity -central nervous system (CNS): the brain and spinal cord -peripheral nervous system (PNS): nerves and ganglia, collections of neuron cell bodies

11 Overview of the Vertebrate Organ Systems Organ systems are approached by placing them in the following functional groupings: communication and integration, support and movement, regulation and maintenance, defense, and reproduction and development - Communication and integration sense and respond to the environment (nervous, sensory, and endocrine system) -Skeletal support and movement are vital to all animals (musculoskeletal system) -Regulation and maintenance of the body’s chemistry ensures continued life (digestive, circulatory, respiratory, and urinary) -The body can defend itself from attackers and invaders (integumentary and immune system) -Reproduction and development ensure the continuity of species (reproductive system)

12 Homeostasis The dynamic constancy of the internal environment Negative feedback mechanisms keep values within range -hypothalamus is the body’s thermostat Antagonistic effectors act in opposite directions Positive feedback mechanisms enhance a change -less common and have specialized functions in body

13 The Evolution of Organ Systems The digestive system -Sponges flipped their stomachs inside out and ate stuff -earth worms obtained a one way digestive tract -vertebrates developed specialized organs for their digestive tracts

14 The Respiratory System The respiratory system -fishes have gills and let O 2 diffuse in -amphibians breathe in cutaneously and have lungs -reptiles have straight up lungs -birds are weird and have a bunch of air sacs -mammals have well developed lungs

15 The Heart Fish have a 2 chambered heart Amphibians have a 3 chambered heart Reptiles have a 3 and a half chambered heart Mammals have a 4 chambered heart

16 The Brain Cephalization and the development of a brain were important steps in animal evolution - the concentration of the nervous system toward the anterior end of the organism the flat worms were the first to cephalize efficient response to a stimulus (during movement sensory organs encounter the environment first Ectoderm gives rise to the nervous system -development of notochord -neural tube develops into brain -spinal column/vertebrae/cranium protect the CNS -notochord signals or directs the development of neural tube


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