An Update on Activities Under the Convention SB Meeting Sept 2010 EB Meeting Dec 2010 WGSR MeetingApril 2011 Chris Dore.

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Presentation on theme: "An Update on Activities Under the Convention SB Meeting Sept 2010 EB Meeting Dec 2010 WGSR MeetingApril 2011 Chris Dore."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Update on Activities Under the Convention SB Meeting Sept 2010 EB Meeting Dec 2010 WGSR MeetingApril 2011 Chris Dore

2 1.Annual TFEIP Meeting in Stockholm, May 2011. Workshop on emissions gridding and mapping in 2011. 2.Support to the technical aspects of the revision of the Gothenburg Protocol. 3.Work closely with other TF’s/groups. In particular: TFRN on NH 3 emissions; Future BC work, as resources allow. 4.Where possible, work to support countries that are not providing submissions of sufficient quality. EMEP SB: Future Work 1

3 5.Capture relevant new data on emissions from wood combustion. 6.Continue to explore new ways of delivering improvements and increased support/participation. 7.Improve communications and oureach Reworked TFEIP Website (discussion forum, outreach, self-management etc.) Newsletter etc. EMEP SB: Future Work 2

4 1.Adoption of Guidebook MIP 2.Invited nomination of Expert Reviewers 3.Invited Parties to help with the improvement of metal emission inventories 4.Welcomed the report by TFHTAP Recommendation that BC be included in the Gothenburg Protocol Revision to the TFHTAPs mandate LRTAP EB: Relevant Decisions 1

5 5.Several decisions relating to WGSR’s work: Revision to the Gothenburg Protocol to continue (aim to complete the work by the end of 2011) POPs Protocol- investigation into five new substances (recommendations timetabled for 2012) LRTAP EB: Relevant Decisions 2

6 1.The TFEIP were asked to comment on the Draft Gothenburg Protocol text, and in particular the implications on reporting (data and IIRs) 2.A short report was drafted, and send to WGSR prior to their meeting. WGSR Meeting (April 2011)

7 1.There is a need to make further contributions to Flexibility Mechanism discussions at WGSR meetings Discussion on Flexibility Mechanisms is in our Agenda. 2.We need to contribute to the discussion on including BC in the Gothenburg Protocol An evaluation of the information available on estimating BC emissions is needed (liaison with TFHTAP). 3.Improve emission estimates from sources involving wood combustion. 4.As well as the usual “core” topics, which include: Supporting improvement in Eastern European countries, Improving HMs, providing a forum for discussion etc. Implications for TFEIP Workplan

8 For further information on CLRTAP

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