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OVER TRAINING AND PERIODIZATION How can I avoid overtraining?

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Presentation on theme: "OVER TRAINING AND PERIODIZATION How can I avoid overtraining?"— Presentation transcript:

1 OVER TRAINING AND PERIODIZATION How can I avoid overtraining?

2 Overtraining ! Overtraining is an emotional, behavioral and physical condition that occurs when the volume and intensity of an individual's exercise exceeds their recovery capacity. exercise

3 They cease making progress, and can even begin to lose strength and fitness.strengthfitness

4 Overtraining is a common problem in weight training, but it can also be experienced by runners and other athletes. weight trainingrunnersathletes

5 An example of overtraining would be lifting at high-intensity with the same muscle groups 2 days in a row.

6 Cause! Improvements in strength and fitness occur only during the rest period following hard training This process takes at least 12-24 hours to complete. If sufficient rest is not available then complete regeneration cannot occur. If this imbalance between excess training and inadequate rest persists then the individual's performance will eventually plateau and decline.

7 cause Mild over training may require several days of rest or reduced activity to fully restore an athlete's fitness. If prompt attention is not given to the developing state, and an athlete continues to train and accumulate fatigue, the condition may come to persist for many weeks or even months.

8 Over training occurs more readily if the individual is simultaneously exposed to other physical and psychological stressors, such as jet lag, ongoing illness, overwork, menstruation, poor nutrition etc. It is a particular problem for bodybuilders and other dieters who engage in intense exercise while limiting their food intake.jet lag overworkmenstruationnutritionbodybuildersdieters

9 Jet Lag in Sport!

10 cause A number of possible mechanisms for overtraining have been proposed: Microtrauma to the muscles are created faster than the body can heal them.Microtraumamuscles

11 *Amino acids are used up faster than they are supplied in the diet. This is sometimes called "protein deficiency". *The body becomes calorie-deficient and the rate of break down of muscle tissue increases.Amino acidsprotein deficiencycalorie

12 Levels of cortisol (the "stress" hormone) are elevated for long periods of time.cortisolstress The body spends more time in a catabolic state than an anabolic state (perhaps as a result of elevated cortisol levels).catabolicanabolic Excessive strain to the nervous system during training.

13 Treatment Taking a break from training to allow time for recovery. Reducing the volume and/or the intensity of the training.

14 Suitable periodization of training.periodization Splitting the training program so that different sets of muscles are worked on different days. Increase sleep timesleep

15 Changing diet: Ensuring that calorie intake at least matches expenditure. Ensuring total calories are from a suitable macronutrient ratio.macronutrient

16 Addressing vitamin deficiencies with nutritional supplements.vitamin nutritional supplements Spa treatments[citation needed]:Spacitation needed Deep-tissue or sports massage of the affected muscles. massage

17 Self-massage or rub down of the affected muscles. Cryotherapy and thermotherapy. Temperature contrast therapy (contrast showers etc).rub down Cryotherapythermotherapy

18 The Annual Plan Preparatory Phase Competitive Phase Transition Phase

19 12 Week Periodization Chart examples

20 โปรแกรมฝึกรายสัปดาห์

21 General Conditioning Strength Power Maintena nce Active Recovery Sets Rep s

22 Athletic training Athletic training is practiced by athletic trainers, who work under the direction of physicians and physical theapists to optimize athletic participation of athletes. Athletic training encompasses the prevention, diagnosis, and intervention of emergency, acute, and chronic medical conditions.

23 Athletic training education Entry level athletic training education uses a competency-based approach in both the classroom and clinical settings. Students must receive instruction in the foundational courses of human physiology, human anatomy, exercise physiology, kinesiology/biomechanics, nutrition, acute care of injury and illness, statistics and research design, and strength training and reconditioning. The student must be introduced to professional coursework that encompasses the following domains:

24 Risk management Pathology of injury/illness Prevention and assessment of injuries/illness General medical conditions and disabilities Therapeutic modalities Strength and Conditioning Therapeutic massage Emergency medicine Weight management, nutrition, and body composition Psychosocial intervention and referral Medical ethics and legal issues Pharmacology Professional development and responsibilities


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