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Theme 1: The Status of Aviation Safety Today Topic 1.3: Initiatives by States and Industry Directors General of Civil Aviation Directors General of Civil.

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Presentation on theme: "Theme 1: The Status of Aviation Safety Today Topic 1.3: Initiatives by States and Industry Directors General of Civil Aviation Directors General of Civil."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theme 1: The Status of Aviation Safety Today Topic 1.3: Initiatives by States and Industry Directors General of Civil Aviation Directors General of Civil Aviation Conference on a Global Strategy for Aviation Safety Montreal, 20 to 22 March 2006

2 Initiatives by States and Industry A few examples States/ICAO: Regional Safety Oversight Organizations (EASA, ACSA, COSCAPs, etc…) States/Industry initiatives such as regional safety groups (CAST, PAAST, JSSI, ASET, NARAST, SARAST and SEARAST) Industry initiatives such as IATA IOSA programme IBAC BA-ISO programme FSF ALAR Tool kit and CFIT programme Aircraft manufacturers assistance But …too numerous to list them all

3 Initiatives by States and Industry Such initiatives are useful and effective but there is a need for better coordination The Global Aviation Safety Road Map Developed by the industry at the request of ICAO Objective: to ensure that the safety initiatives throughout the world are coordinated so as to ensure consistency and reduced duplication of efforts. Part I (High level objective) is in IP 7 Will be used by ICAO to provide a global framework for the coordination of safety policies and initiatives

4 Conference Actions Encourage States and industry to more closely coordinate safety initiatives for optimum results Note the progress towards the development of an integrated approach to safety initiatives through the Global Aviation Safety Road Map

5 Montreal, 20 to 22 March 2006 1.1 Status of Aviation Safety Today 2.1 Transparency and Sharing 2.2 Safety Management 2.4 Mutual Recognition 2.5 Enhancing Safety Oversight 3. The 21 st Century 2.3 Unified Strategy & FSIX 1.2 Status of Safety Oversight 1.3 States and Industry Initiatives

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