Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie Recurring Themes & Symbols.

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Presentation on theme: "Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie Recurring Themes & Symbols."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie Recurring Themes & Symbols

2 Themes Illusion vs. Reality Memory Freedom Quest Instinct vs. Civilized Behavior, struggle between generations Disintegration of American family The American Dream Survival of man in the machine age Fragility vs. Strength Man’s need to escape his surroundings.

3 Illusion vs. Reality In Scene I, Tom says, “I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion.” What is the truth at the heart of this story? What is the illusion which disguises it?

4 Illusion vs. Reality — Tom What are some of Tom’s illusions? Does he have illusions about himself? Others? Life? Is Tom able to see reality about some things? Which things? Is he able to see himself realistically? Does he see others realistically?

5 Illusion vs. Reality — Amanda Does Amanda have illusions? Is so, what are they? Illusions about herself? Her children? Her life? Is Amanda able to see reality about some things? Which things? Does she see herself realistically? Does she see others realistically?

6 Illusion vs. Reality — Laura Does Laura have illusions? If so, what are they? Illusions about herself? Others? Life? Does Laura see things realistically? Does she see herself realistically? Does she see others or life realistically?

7 Illusion vs. Reality References to “school of the blind” … “America sits in a dark room” How do Tom’s assertions also serve as a commentary on American life in the lead up to World War II?

8 Memory What is meant by the idea of a “memory play”? Does the fact that the play is based on memory make it seem less true or less factual? Do we have to deal with memories in order to move forward?

9 Memory — Tom Which of Tom’s memories are revealed in the play? If the play is based on Tom’s memory, in choosing what to leave in or leave out does he cast himself as “the good guy”? How do Tom’s memories affect his behavior? Are there significant details he seems to have left out/forgotten? Why?

10 Memory — Amanda What does Amanda remember? When (in what context) does she remember her past? Why does she remember her past? How do Amanda’s memories affect her –Behavior? –Actions? –Decisions?

11 Memory — Laura What does Laura remember? When (in what context) does she remember her past? Why does she remember her past? How do Laura’s memories affect her –Behavior? –Actions? –Decisions? Also consider Jim’s memories and how they affect him?

12 MEMORY Which characters seem most affected by memories? Least affected? Are the affects of the memories positive? Negative?

13 FREEDOM What is the definition of freedom? –Financial freedom –Emotional freedom –The ability to make decisions for oneself? To have a variety of choices?

14 Freedom Which characters are most free? (financially and emotionally) Least free? What would freedom mean to each character? Do all the characters seek freedom? Why or why not? What is the price of freedom? Is it selfish?

15 Instinct vs. Superior Things What is meant by instinct? What is meant by superior things? Which characters believe in instinct? Which characters believe in superior things? How do these beliefs create conflict between these characters? What is the result?

16 Instinct What is instinct? (according to Webster’s) –“an inborn pattern of activity or tendency to action common to a given biological species” –“a natural inclination or attitude” –“natural intuitive power”

17 Instinct — Tom Late for dinner Chews food quickly Uses vulgarity, profanity Reads DH Lawrence Argues with mother, others Smokes Goes to movies Drinks Gulps coffee Is selfish?? Wants to “face facts”

18 Instinct vs. Superior Things What are superior things? –Manners –Etiquette and social graces –Talking of refined (not coarse, not vulgar) things –Having civilized ambitions, wants, hopes, dreams

19 Superior Things — Amanda Grace at dinner Table manners “never anything coarse, or common, or vulgar” “fresh and pretty” Wants both children to take classes “defect …. Slight disadvantage … develop charm” Makes small talk when doing sales Lawrence – “horrible book”

20 Superior Things — Amanda Doesn’t want Tom to jeopardize job with “shameful” behavior Believes that hard work = success “sacrifices” “nothing offends people worse” Says girls shouldn’t fall for appearance (listen to instincts) Home improvements Dances, picnics, flowers

21 Laura and Jim Laura and instinct –Leaves class when nervous –Won’t answer door when scared –Quits school when embarrassed Jim and superior things –Position at warehouse –Self-esteem, taking classes –Can put on “an act” Can characters who are governed by either instinct or “Superior things” both refuse to see reality?

22 Conflict Tom and Amanda –Tom: “Man is by instinct a lover, a hunter, a fighter and none of those ….” –Amanda: “Surely your aims are somewhat higher than theirs! Than monkeys — pigs —”

23 Which wins? When angry (giving in to instinct), Tom shakes the glass menagerie When giving in to instinct, Amanda marries the “wrong man” and Laura’s unicorn gets broken Tom leaves the family, follows instincts for survival, selfish pleasure; however, he doesn’t seem happy in end.

24 The American Dream Definition: Hard work = success What is success: money, a home, a family? What traits are needed to achieve this? –Talent –Ambition –Optimism/believe/faith in the system –Strong work ethic –Intelligence –Social skills

25 The American Dream for play Which characters possess the traits needed to achieve the American Dream? Is it likely any of them will achieve the American dream? Why or why not?


27 Symbols Glass and glass menagerie Paradise Hall Blindness Blue, Blue Roses Burning, fire, candles Alleyway Zoo, hot house Magic show, coffin

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