Samantha Gamez’s. April 16, 2010 1. Which of the following duties of a district attorney? To bring charges against suspected Lawbreakers and prosecute.

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1 Samantha Gamez’s

2 April 16, 2010 1. Which of the following duties of a district attorney? To bring charges against suspected Lawbreakers and prosecute cases in court. Section Review #1-6… 1. A town is a small unit divided from counties while town meetings are gatherings of town’s people. 2. Town governments began in Mass chutes when men gathered to divide land.

3 April 16, 2010 3. Villages c0llect taxes, maintain community, and use money for public services. 4. Yes, there are better services. 5. Townships Both Village -borders -receive -Congress authority established from state -small unit

4 April 16, 2010  6. I believe smaller governments can at times provide better services. Since the smaller governments are closer to the people, they can answer to the needs of the people easily. Although these governments help better services, there may be to many smaller government. If there weren’t as many, then I Believe our government would be better.

5 April 19, 2010 1. A city charter closely resembles? The Constitution Sch0ol to Home Connection: 1. What term refers to an incorporated place that provides services to its residence? Municipality

6 April 19, 2010 2. What type of city government gives power most power to a city council? Weak Mayor System 3. What is the largest geographic and political subdivision of a state? County 4. What relationship does a village have to other local governments, such as a township? They lie within the boundaries of other governments.

7 April 19, 2010 In what ways do the home rule effect the operation of a city? It lets cities decide what they can do. Why is a county assessor an important of a county government? Examines taxable property Name on advantage and one disadvantage of having town meetings? They give everyone a voice but it is difficult trying to get everyone to vote.

8 April 19, 2010 PRE TEST 1. D 11. A 2. C 12. B 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. B

9 April 20, 2010 1. Person who tends to dominate the city government? Strong Mayor. 5 Questions: 1. What is a city charter? Grants powers to local govt. 2. The D.A., district attorney, does what? Prosecutes the suspected criminals.

10 April 20, 2010 3. True or False: A coroner assesses property value. FALSE 4. Is the village the largest unit of government in the state? No. 5. A mayor, in a strong mayor system can do what? Veto ordinances, appoint officials, and write city budget.

11 April 21, 2010 1. In what form of the city government are legislative and executive powers held by the same person or group? Comission

12 April 21, 2010.  Notes for Anticipation Guide: Dealing with community issues: How a community handles issues, education and social issues and Environmental Issues. Infrastructure- its systems of roads, bridges, water and sewers. elementary and secondary 2001 Bush No Child Left Behind $26.5 billion on education and rules Charter Schools- state funding, no public school regulations.

13 April 22, 2010 1. List one thing I shall learn about in Chapter 14: The Important Parts in Communities.

14 April, 22, 2010.  Guided reading: 1. Public Policy. 2. Government,political Parties, media, interest groups, private citizens. 3. A planning committee oversees community growth. 4. Infrastructure. 5. Value, Goals and Urgency. 6. The master plan is the set of goals and how the govt. will be run. It must be accepted by the local govt. must approve.

15 April 22, 2010 Private schools are more refined than public schools. Private schools are picky with admission. Public schools have lower academic scores and slow down for slower students Public schools have higher dropout ratings and violence than private schools.

16 April 23, 2010. 1. Master plan states specific goals and describes how the government will carry them out. GOALS on NEXT PAGE…..

17 April 23, 2010 Goals: 1. Have A’s in all classes. 2. Become more organized. 3. Learn to speak Spanish. 4. Read at least 50 books. 5. Have a better vocabulary. 6. See Sweeney Todd or American Idiot on Broadway. 7. Join the softball, volleyball or MMA. 8. See all Johnny Depp movies. 9. Stay Healthy ( Probably should be more important) 10. Learn more about history.

18 April 23, 2o1o Section Review 1-6 1. Planning commissions are a big part in creating both short term and long term plans. Many infrastructures are important to the plans and need to be kept clean and safe and are top priority. 2. Education, Environment, Health Care. 3.The purpose is to set goals and to find ways to achieve them. 4. Priorities are goals that a community considers most important. 5. Sources of P. Policy; Media, Govt. Private Citizens, Interest groups

19 April 26, 2010 1. I am researching Rick Perry the governor of Texas. POWER POINTS DUE NXT MONDAY!!!!!

20 April 27, 2010 1. I need pictures on each slide.

21 April 28, 2010. 1. How many points is the power point worth? 60 points

22 April 29, 2010. 1. What does elaborate mean? To go in further detail.

23 April 30, 2010 1. Length of power point presentations: AT LEAST 3 Minutes.

24 May 3, 2010. 1. The correct spelling is: Works Cited

25 May 4, 2010 GuidedReading2- 1. Competency Tests are required at schools. 2. There are drop outs, low test scores and violence in schools. 3. They believe that vouchers take public school funding. 4. Community policing is when police patrol communities to check for violence. 5. On next page…. 1. Does the US Constitution mention education? No

26 May 5, 2010. 1. Schools that receive state funding, but are excused from meeting public school regulations? Charter Schools. Section 2: 1-5 1. There are many types of schools in the US, one is called a charter school. To get into certain schools, some citizens receive a tuition voucher. Throughout the communities, there are community policing to keep the residents welfare safe. 2. Privatization of schools is when a private company 3. People believe the vouchers take money from public education. 4. I believe that federal government is the backbone of our society. Many believe it should have a lessened role but they do not realize how much it helps us and how much we need it.


28 May 6, 2010. 1. Attending School, “would be about the same as getting into paradise.” Booker T Washington.

29 May 7, 2010. 1. George W Bush hoped that the No Child Left Behind Act would improve public education by making schools more accountable for student’s learning.

30 May 10, 2010. 1. Which of the following groups is practicing environmentalism? Volunteers who pull trash out the rivers in the spring. CHP. 14 Vocab due WEDNESDAY.

31 May 10, 2010… Guided Reading 14-3 1. Environmentalism is taking care of the environment. 2. States have made programs to keep clean air and water. 3.Waste can be burned or dumped in landfills. 4.There are limits in amounts and types of waste factories can make. 5.Improvements have been made in public transportation. 6. Land Disposal

32 May 11, 2010.  Junior Achievement

33 May 12, 2010. Many welfare critics claim welfare promotes dependancy STHC 1.what are the first two things a local govt. would do to address a public policy issue. A. set priorities and evaluate its resources. 2. In most states who is responsibe for public education A. local school districts 3.list one way in which the federal govt. is invovled in the management of education A. provide $$$ protects against discrimination and sets rules for state testing 4. what congressional act helped make environmental issues an important public policy the clean air act

34 May 12, 2010  what is public policy and who generates ideas for it...? the general agreement amoung govt leaders about how to deal with an issue. Govt officials members of the media and private citizens can offer public policy ideas what 2 reasons are given for not supporting a voucher system to pay for eduCATION... - teachers feel tuition vouchers funnel education funds out of the public school system and into the private school system. -they violate the first amendment because some say it can be used to pay for religious schools

35 May 12, 2010.  how is the disposal of hazardous waste challenged by geographical constraints. there is little space to dump it.... NIMBY!!!!!!! no safe way to dump it standardized test practice. 1. D. 2. B. 3.C. 4. A. 5. D. 6. D. 7. C. 8. C. 9. C. 10. A.

36 May 13, 2010. 1. When the local Parent Teacher Association asks how many volunteers will help clean up the playground, they are evaluating: Resources Junior Acheievment

37 May 17, 2010 1. First known system of written law? Code of Hammurabi GUIDED READING 1. Laws need to keep peace, prevent violence, set punishments, and set rules for arguments. 2. Laws must be reasonable, understandable and enforceable. 3. The code of Hammurabi

38 May 17, 2010. 4. New places adapted the Roman laws to create their own, such as the Byzantine Empire’s Justinian Code. 5. He created a newer version of the Justinian Code and named it after himself. 6. English Law. 7. Law based on Court Decision.

39 May 18, 2010. 1. The most important source of American Law? English Law Junior Achievement

40 May 19, 2010 1. Party that brings charges-plaintiff Party being accused- Defendant

41 May 19, 2010. GUIDED READING 1. Criminal, Civil, and Public law 2. When the court room serves as an arena in which lawyers for opposing sides present their strongest cases. 3. The plaintiff is the party bringing charges against the defendant or accused. 4. Rape, Murder, Kidnapping, Robbing 5. Lawsuit 6. A person may suffer and claim that the other party is responsible of negligence. 7. Ida-Wells Barnett 8. Constitutional deals with limits of govt power and individual rights.

42 May 19, 2010. Legal TermLatin Origin English Meaning BailTo carry a burdenTemporary release exchange for security Ex post factoFrom a thing done afterward After the fact JuryJurareBody of people listen evidence verdict

43 May 20, 2010. Junior Achievement.

44 May 21, 2010. 1.A serious crime, such as murder? A felony. Biography: 1. Murder of a white person 2. Garcia had previously worked to create integration for Mexican Americans, he worked as an attorney for the LULAC. 3. There were no Mexican American jurors. 4. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Hernandez and his conviction was overturned. 5. Since there were no Mexicans on the jury, the jurors may have not been impartial and held racial prejudices. BIAS IN JURY SELECTION.

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