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Republic of Senegal UNEP Ministry of Environment SBC Basel Convention Regional Center for francophone countries in Africa BCRC - Senegal.

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Presentation on theme: "Republic of Senegal UNEP Ministry of Environment SBC Basel Convention Regional Center for francophone countries in Africa BCRC - Senegal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Republic of Senegal UNEP Ministry of Environment SBC Basel Convention Regional Center for francophone countries in Africa BCRC - Senegal

2 Presentation of the Center Formally established since the 1rst March 2005 as an National Institution with regional mandate. The Government of Senegal is constructing a new building for the Center The Government of Senegal contributes $US 60,000 a year for the functioning of the Center. In place since 1999, hosted by the « African Institute of Urban Management » the Center has undertaken several activities:

3 Main activities Training programmes and workshops: On inventory of hazardous wastes methodology, Dakar 1999 Promotion of the ratification of the Basel Convention, Dakar, 2002 Workshop on synergies (Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm Convention) Cotonou, 2003 Etc…

4 Main activities (cont) Projects Inventory of hazardous wastes in Niger, Guinea and Comores Management of used oils in Subsaharian Africa, Burkina Faso, Senegal Identification of Basel wastes, precursor of dioxins in the informal sector Senegal

5 Demonstration of a Regional Approach to Environmentally Sound Management of PCB Liquid Wastes and Transformers and Capacitors Containing PCBs In French speaking Africa

6 PCB PROJECT Main purpose Accelerate the withdrawal of PCB in use and the environmentally sound disposal of PCB waste at the regional level in an efficient and cost-effective manner in compliance with the Stockholm and the Basel Convention Rationale Countries share similar problems related to institutional setting and capacity for ESM of PCBs, and have common barriers in planning and implementing coordinated actions for ESM.

7 PCB PROJECT Geographical Scope Benin Burkina Faso, Chad, Ivory Coast Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco Niger, Sao Tomé Senegal Togo.

8 PCB PROJECT Cost: US$ 700,000 (funded by GEF) Cooperating Agencies: UNEP, UNIDO Executing agency: UNEP (Secretariat of the Basel Convention, Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention) BCRC-Senegal

9 Implementation Phases: I - Training activities and capacity building on ESM of PCBs and development of a model regulation II - Demonstration activities and technical assistance to national regulations Status: Funding approved by GEF on February 2006

10 Extrait de létude « Dioxines » dans le secteur informel

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