Edge Mobility Protocol (EMP) (draft-wood-netlmm-emp-base-00.txt) Jonathan Wood Katsutoshi Nishida Vancouver, November 2005 IETF 64 th – netlmm BOF.

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1 Edge Mobility Protocol (EMP) (draft-wood-netlmm-emp-base-00.txt) Jonathan Wood Katsutoshi Nishida Vancouver, November 2005 IETF 64 th – netlmm BOF

2 Vancouver, November 2005 IETF 64 th – netlmm BOF 2 Logical Network Architecture and Functional Entities uEMAP: Edge Mobility Anchor Point nManages MN’s location and forwards packet for MN uAAR: Advanced Access Router nSends L3 location information to EMAP, instead of MN EMAP MN AAR AP MN AP EMAP AAR AP MN Edge Mobility Domain1 (EMD1) EMD2 Intra link Mobility Local Mobility Global Mobility Functional entities defined by EMP

3 Vancouver, November 2005 IETF 64 th – netlmm BOF 3 Scope of Edge Mobility Protocol ~ what is specified in our proposal ~ uWhat is in scope nBasic Routing Management within the EMD li.e. between AAR and EMAP uWhat is not specified nEMP Binding lInteractions between the MN and AAR lDepends on the actual link layer used EMAP AAR AP MN EMP Standard IP EMP Binding* EMD or GMP *Triggers to initiate EMP protocol e.g. link dependent signaling, IPv6 ND signaling CN or GMAP CN or GMAP EMP is the protocol for AAR-EMAP routing path management

4 Vancouver, November 2005 IETF 64 th – netlmm BOF 4 Characteristics of Edge Mobility Protocol uAllows the MN to keep using the same IP address within the EMD nMN IP address has the EMAP prefix nAARs advertise the same prefix owned by the EMAP uTunnels packets from EMAP to AAR nEMAP tunnels packet to the correct AAR where MN locates lBidirectional tunneling is also supported nEMAP manages the location of the MN by AAR

5 Vancouver, November 2005 IETF 64 th – netlmm BOF 5 Characteristics of Edge Mobility Protocol (Cont’d) uUses the MNID for MN routing info management nEMAP and AAR manage the routing info by the MNID nMNID is not change while it is in the EMD le.g. NAI, MIPv6 HoA uAddress Management (DAD function) nEMAP manages IP addresses used in the EMD uIP version independent signaling nEMP signaling can be both IPv6/IPv4 nAlso, support IPv6/IPv4 packet tunneling

6 Vancouver, November 2005 IETF 64 th – netlmm BOF 6 Protocol Overview EMAP AAR AP MN AP Edge Mobility Domain 2) EMP Binding (e.g. L2 trigger) 3) UPDATE (MNID, IP Addr) 1) Boot up 4) Setup Tunnel

7 Vancouver, November 2005 IETF 64 th – netlmm BOF 7 Protocol Overview EMAP AAR AP MN AP Edge Mobility Domain 1) Handover 2) EMP Binding (e.g. L2 trigger) 3) Query (MNID, IP Addr) 4) Tunnel Switch

8 Vancouver, November 2005 IETF 64 th – netlmm BOF 8 … … NodeB Evolved NodeB AP 3G UMTS (UTRAN) 3G Evolved UTRAN WLAN Access New Radio /Fix Accesses NETLMM Protocol … … EMAP Operator Core Network MN Radio dependent Mobility Management Use Case of NETLMM Protocol Operators can benefit from NETLMM Protocol since it provides IP Mobility meeting requirements NodeB Evolved NodeB

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