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How does a summary paragraph compare to a body paragraph? summary body paragraph.

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Presentation on theme: "How does a summary paragraph compare to a body paragraph? summary body paragraph."— Presentation transcript:

1 How does a summary paragraph compare to a body paragraph? summary body paragraph

2 TLCD How to correctly use quotations in an essay

3 T stands for TRANSITION Transitions are used…  To show time and sequence  To compare and contrast  To show cause and effect  To offer examples and conclusions

4 L stand for LEAD-IN Lead-ins should give the reader information about the “scene” where the quote is extracted from.  What is happening at the time?  Who said it? And to whom?

5 CD stands for CONCRETE DETAIL CDs can be direct quotes or paraphrased. A quote is anything from the text, regardless of it has been “spoken” by a character or not. However, quotes should represent important aspects of the plot and support the topic you are writing about.

6 How to cite your source: TL “quote” (author’s last name page). TL “quote” (Barut-del Fierro 16).

7 Sample TLCD Ineffective use of a quote: Lennie's strength overpowered Curley. "The next minute Curley was flopping like a fish on a line, and his closed fist was lost in Lennie's big hand.“ "Curley was white and shrunken by now, and his struggling had become weak. He stood crying, his fist lost in Lennie's paw" (Steinbeck 75). This quotation is too long and just tacked on rather than used within a sentence or as part of a commentary. The T is missing and the L is not incorporated.

8 Sample TLCD Revised for clarity: For example, Lennie's strength so overpowered Curley that Curley looked "like a fish on a line" with his "fist lost in Lennie's paw" (Steinbeck 75). Here the quotations are used within the writer's sentence and flow smoothly.

9 What follows a concrete detail? Insightful, meaningful commentary refers to your comments, insights, and opinions as they relate to the concrete details you’ve chosen to support your body thesis. Insightful commentary will go beyond the obvious and make statements that show a deeper understanding of what was read.

10 Body Paragraph #1 sentence # 1 = topic sentence sentence # 2 = TLCD sentence # 3 = CM about sentence # 2 sentence # 4 = another CM about sentence # 2 sentence # 5 = TLCD sentence # 6 = CM about sentence # 5 sentence # 7 = another CM about sentence # 5 sentence # 8 = a concluding sentence

11 Your Assignment On a separate sheet of paper that you will turn in, revise your paragraph responding to “The Joy of Reading and Writing”. Make sure that your TS answers the prompt: “How did Alexie create his own destiny?” Use TLCD to correctly cite two direct quotes from the essay.

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