 During the video: Jot down 3 things that made you think.

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2  During the video: Jot down 3 things that made you think

3  What am I doing in the classroom that is going to prepare my students for the 21 st Century job market?

4  Visually articulating what happens in a classroom through the use of graphic representation of skills, activities and learning across content areas.  A conceptual framework that can be used to guide planning, learning and evaluation.  Includes a “Big Idea” or a “Concept”

5 › Concept Mapping (H. Lynn Erickson) › Island Mapping (Lin Kuzmich) › Understanding by Design-Backward Design (Wiggins and McTicghe) › Curriculum Mapping (Heidi Hayes Jacobs)


7  Identify Desired Results  Determine Acceptable Evidence  Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction Having a clear goal helps to focus our planning and guide purposeful action toward the intended results. -Wiggins and McTighe

8  Look at standards  Identify gaps and repetition  Identify Potential Areas for Integration  Match assessment with standards  Review Timelines

9  State Standards  District’s Scope and Sequence  Time Frame  District-wide initiatives  School-Wide initiatives

10  Broad and abstract  Represented by one or two words  Universal in application  Timeless- carry through the ages  Represented by different examples that share common attributes. H. Lynn Erickson

11  Abundance  Balance  Change/Continuity  Cycles  Discovery  Environment  Exploration  Migration  Patterns  Survival  System  Technology  Variance/Variable

12  Determine how we will know if students have achieved desired results.  What types of products will we accept as evidence of understanding and proficiency.  How are you going to assess?

13  We used: › Formal / informal assessment › Authentic performance tasks  Observations  Quizzes  Journals  Student reflections  Projects (using technology)  Flip Charts (Smart Board)  Video

14  Think about the enabling knowledge and skills students will need in order to perform effectively and achieve desired results. › Instructional planning:  Choices about teaching methods › Sequence of lessons › Resources and materials

15  Help guide students through the unit  Provide expectations  Hook their interest  Technology Integration  Differentiate learning  Grouping


17 Milestone ActivityCost of Construction Proposal (Chart) Time Frame6 weeks Excellence Looks LikeCritical Questions  Make a list of the U.S Regions  Characteristics of the regions (forces, climate and temperature)  Populations of those regions and their economy  Cost of living  Why did you select that region to build your house?  What are the advantages and disadvantages of the region? (Compare & Contrast)  If you move to this region, how would that affect you and your family?

18 SCIENCESOCIAL STUDIESMATH READING Lab Safety:  Science in your home  Pictures & Guest Speaker  Establish roles Scientific Method:  Laws of motion and forces Activities:  Role Play (do’s and don’ts)  Lab experiments (friction lab)  Forces  Measurement  Distance  Place Value (+,-,÷,x decimals) Geography:  Continents  Bodies of water  Regions (landforms) Activities: Power Points United Streaming Brain Pop Foldables Research regions Place Value:  Whole numbers  Decimals  Compare and order numbers Activities:  Human place value game  Create a place value chart  Foldable (accordion)  Writing checks  Population studies per region First 20 Days (Balanced Literacy):  Genres  Main Idea  Figurative Language Activities:  Classifieds Ads.  Fiction and Nonfiction  Research articles about natural disasters (library)  Capstone Library ELL BEST PRACTICES (SIOP)  The learner will be able to discuss the do’s and don’ts of lab safety with their partner.  The learner will be able to generate questions before listening to an oral presentation.  The learner will read an article with peers and then share the main information to another student.  The learner will create a graphic organizer to display the findings of their research. TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS  Google Earth Activity (locating regions)  Research natural disasters (ELAR)  Research Engine (Librarian)  Power Point Presentation


20  Mind shifts do not come easily, as they require letting go of old habits, old beliefs, and old traditions.  Growth and change are found in disequilibrium, not balance. It takes some time getting used to. -Heidi Hayes Jacobs

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