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By: Joe Merullo Julia Stone and Olivia Pollock. Who plays the game? The game is played by two players who alternately place black and white stones on.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Joe Merullo Julia Stone and Olivia Pollock. Who plays the game? The game is played by two players who alternately place black and white stones on."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Joe Merullo Julia Stone and Olivia Pollock

2 Who plays the game? The game is played by two players who alternately place black and white stones on the vacant intersections on a grid of lines 19x19.

3 Basic rules Once placed on the board, stones cannot be moved elsewhere, unless they are surrounded and captured by the opponent's stones. The object of the game is to control (surround) a larger portion of the board than the opponent. The point of the game is to capture the bigger side of the board then the opponent.

4 Where does it come from?& history it originated 2,500 years ago in ancient china. It was in the 6 th century b.c It was popular in the aristocracy It was an ancient fortune teller for the chinese.

5 Where the game is played The game of GO is most popular in East Asia. Not many people play it here in the U.S. It was very popular because the Chinese liked to learn about their future.

6 The ancient game of go It is similar to the game of checkers because it is a board with a grid and stones. It is different because not many games have similar rules to this one.

7 Other interesting facts It is possible to play Go with a simple paper board and coins or plastic tokens for the stones. There is an advantage to the player who makes the first move. Many chinese people used it on a daily basis for many different reasons. When a black stone is taken by a white stone it is called a “false eye.”

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