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Review! 1.Martin Luther 2. British Monarchy, King Henry 3. King Arthur 4. British Literature, John Keats 5. Ireland 6. Irish Revolution, The Troubles.

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2 Review! 1.Martin Luther 2. British Monarchy, King Henry 3. King Arthur 4. British Literature, John Keats 5. Ireland 6. Irish Revolution, The Troubles

3 Exam Most of your exam will be “short essay” I will post the PPT presentations on the internet this week I will prepare you for all the essay questions beforehand If you fail the test, I will let you take it again. Bonus questions Exam: week May17-21 (in class)


5 Martin Luther Luther began…. What did he write? Martin Luther wrote in what language?


7 Catholic Church is the most powerful cultural influence in the Christian world What is purgatory? What is an indulgence? What is the 95 Theses?

8 Catholic Church Why did Luther criticize the Church? What is heresy? What is an inquisition Martin Luther faced a Catholic inquisition and was accused of heresy. (or was called a heretic) Then what happened to Luther?

9 What is the Protestant Reformation? What are some differences and similarities between Catholics and Protestants? Where is the central authority of the Catholic Church? Catholic Communion vs. Protestant Communion

10 King Henry VIII & English Reformation Movie: The Other Boleyn Girl Who was Anne Boleyn? What was the English Reformation? Why did King Henry break from the Catholic Church

11 King Henry VIII How many wives? Who was his first wife? What is “The Great Matter?” How did he get his marriage annulled? Did the Church agree? What happened? Who is his second wife? What does King Henry VIII want the most?

12 What is the Divine Right of Kings? What is a tyrant? Why was Anne Boleyn executed?

13 King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table What is a Knight? Describe chivalry Geoffrey of Monmouth’s History of the Kings of Britain … Why is it different from other King Arthur stories?

14 Describe: King Arthur Lancelot Guinevere Merlin Mordred The Lady of the Lake

15 Stories: The strange birth of King Arthur: – Igrain (mother) King Uther (father) Merlin helps, they make a deal The Strange birth of Mordred Who has a doomed love? The sword in the stone The Quest for the Holy Grail – Percival and Galahad

16 British Literature Chaucer’s ______ is a collection of many different stories told by a group of men on the road. (pilgrimage) Why is this literature important? The Wife of Bath – A knight, punished… what do women want most?… hag… the end…

17 John Keats and the Romantics Describe John Keats’ life and poetry What are some of his most famous poems? What is the Romantic movement? What is important in Romantic artwork? Francisco Goya Movie: Goya’s Ghosts ( 戈雅之灵 )

18 Ireland Relationship between Ireland and Britain Differences between Ireland and Britain The Great Potato Famine 1842-1852 St Patrick, St Patrick’s Day

19 Irish Revolution Irish desire for indepence. Events, party The Irish Revolution. How did it begin and end? What kind of war was it?

20 Northern Ireland’s Troubles How did the troubles begin and end? Political and racial (ethnic) conflict IRA, Hunger Strike, Bloody Sunday

21 Places

22 St Peter’s Basillica Where is St. Peter’s? What is it known for? Michelangelo's Pieta Vatican City

23 Westminster Abbey Where? What is the Church famous for? What is a coronations?

24 Tower of London aka The Tower

25 The Giant’s Causeway What is it? (basalt) Where is it? What is the legend of the Causeway?

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