Country Presentation Regional Multi-stakeholder Discussion Forum on Rural ICT Development Bangkok, Thailand, 4 July 2011 Rural ICT Policy Advocacy, Knowledge.

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Presentation on theme: "Country Presentation Regional Multi-stakeholder Discussion Forum on Rural ICT Development Bangkok, Thailand, 4 July 2011 Rural ICT Policy Advocacy, Knowledge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Country Presentation Regional Multi-stakeholder Discussion Forum on Rural ICT Development Bangkok, Thailand, 4 July 2011 Rural ICT Policy Advocacy, Knowledge Sharing and Capacity Building Regional Project

2 Objective (for your preparation only) On July 4, each country asked to make 15-minute presentation in Bangkok Forum As a trial run, each country is asked to deliver draft presentation on July 2 in Krabi Objective is to ensure consistency and allow opportunity to revise accordingly for July 4 The aim of the Country Presentation is to summarize country findings, as supplemented by Workshop, and any follow-up

3 Subject Matter of Country Presentation (for your preparation only) Country Presentations based on: Country Reports Core document for country status, findings and challenges Final Project Report – Policy principles and findings Draft was distributed at this Workshop June 30 Summary Powerpoint delivered on July 2 Discussions during Workshop Formal and informal discussions

4 Country ICT Overview 1-2 slides on status of ICT in country e.g.: Density of voice, Internet, etc. Based on Country Report + other data

5 State Institutional Structure 1 slide summary of Session 1 Based on Country Report + Session Powerpoint + feedback on same from workshop

6 Policy, Legal, & Regulatory Framework 1 slide summary of Session 2 Based on Country Report + Session Powerpoint + feedback on same from workshop

7 Funding Mechanism 1 slide summary of Session 3 Based on Country Report + Session Powerpoint + feedback on same from workshop

8 Rural Initiatives 1 slide summary of Session 4 Based on Country Report + Session Powerpoint + feedback on same from workshop

9 3 Key Lessons from Project/Workshop Lesson#1 Learned from Project/Workshop Lesson#2 Learned from Project/Workshop Lesson#3 Learned from Project/Workshop

10 3 Objectives for Follow-up Follow-up#1 E.g., priority next steps in countrys rural ICT policies, institutions, programs, mechanisms; goals for assistance, knowledge sharing, capacity building Follow-up#2 Learned from Project/Workshop Follow-up#3 Learned from Project/Workshop

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