Novelty Shop Gadgets & Stationary. Overview At the Novelty Shop you will find unique products along with unique customer service. The shopping experience.

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Presentation on theme: "Novelty Shop Gadgets & Stationary. Overview At the Novelty Shop you will find unique products along with unique customer service. The shopping experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 Novelty Shop Gadgets & Stationary

2 Overview At the Novelty Shop you will find unique products along with unique customer service. The shopping experience will be both enjoyable and exciting. We will offer many unusual items not found elsewhere. We will constantly strive to offer new novelties and different products to our customers. Low priced Quality Gifts. All of the items in the store will be unique in the sense that we will insist with our Asian suppliers to receive all the new products produced or invented in the last year. We already have established an agreement with Korean suppliers and have an agreement with a Canadian distributor that will handle all transport and customs related issues.

3 Overview Although novelty stores already exist and they sell products (As seen on TV) that are familiar with consumers. Our products will need little advertising mostly because our turnover of the products will be constant; the suppliers in Asia produce an average of 250 new products per week that would suit our type of store. We will rely on our good location and word to mouth. Our Canadian distributor will make a constant search for the possible items for us and keep us informed on a bi-weekly basis.

4 Overview There are many online Novelty stores that do offer similar products, but the market shows that most of these stores fail because of the lack of people’s trust in online shopping and research shows that consumers prefer the “see and touch” approach when it comes to novelty items. The key to our success will be to select the appropriate items and keep bringing in the new products that will become trendy. Also, it will be important to keep a low inventory on the new products that we bring in until we see the pace of the sales. Naturally we will also bring in seasonal products such as Valentines Day, Halloween, Easter, Christmas products that will be unique to our store.

5 Overview One of our major suppliers will be from Korea and is named Fooody, they supply a new and very fashionable product that targets young teenage girls and their mothers and young women. The Fooody products have existed for a little more than 3 years in Korea and are extremely popular. This product will occupy approximately 60 % of our store’s space. We will mix in this space other items that we know will catch on with young girls and their mothers. The remaining 40% of the store’s space will target young teenage boys and their fathers.

6 Overview The interior design of the store will appeal in its uniqueness and bright colors, people passing by won’t be able to keep themselves from entering our store.

7 Products Binoculars with Integrated Digital Camera

8 Products Novelty Touch Screen Telephones

9 Products Internet Connected Video Phones

10 Products Trendy Sound Systems

11 Products Please refer to the Fooody Power Point Presentation for more products

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