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World History Chapter Four Section Two. Greek City-States Geography Mountains divide it into isolated valleys Because of the geography Greeks did not.

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Presentation on theme: "World History Chapter Four Section Two. Greek City-States Geography Mountains divide it into isolated valleys Because of the geography Greeks did not."— Presentation transcript:

1 World History Chapter Four Section Two

2 Greek City-States Geography Mountains divide it into isolated valleys Because of the geography Greeks did not develop empires like the Egyptians City-states were independent and fought to keep it that way Climate of Greece is warm – free men spent a lot of time outside in the marketplace – debated issues of the city


4 Life By Sea Sea provided link to outside world Hundreds of harbors and bays for ships Became skilled sailors Traded - olive oil, wine, marble Brought back grains, metals and ideas Adopted the Phoenician alphabet – turning it into the alphabet base for all western alphabets

5 City-State Government Polis – made up of major city and the surrounding countryside – city-state City built in two levels: One – acropolis – high city on top of hill with temples built of marble dedicated to gods and goddesses Two - Below the acropolis was the main city Walled city with marketplace, theater, homes, public buildings


7 City-States Population of the city-states was small This caused the community to be close knit Citizens – free residents of the city Male land owners had all the political power

8 Government Ruler of a polis was a king Monarchy – type of government with king Nobles used to defend the king – then they took power for themselves Only they could afford bronze weapons and chariots – military defenders of the city-state

9 Government Aristocracy – rule by landholding elite Wealthy Merchants challenged the land- holding elite for power and began to dominate the city-states This type of government was called an oligarchy – power in the hands of small group of wealthy elite

10 Warfare in Greece Changes in military technologies Bronze weapons were replaced with iron Iron was cheaper and stronger than bronze Ordinary people could own swords and armor Phalanx – massive tactical formation of heavily armed soldiers – requires strict training with other soldiers – creating a strong bond between soldiers


12 Make a chart in your notes: Like this: Sparta:Athens:

13 Sparta Sparta - warrior society Descended from the Dorian's and enslaved the Mycenaean's Slaves called - helots – made them work the land Helots outnumbered the rulers so Spartans had a strict and brutal control system

14 Sparta Government Sparta had two kings and a council of elders that were advisors to the monarchs An assembly of citizens approved all major decisions, such as going to war Citizens were only male, native-born Spartans over the age of 30 Ephors – officials five of them were elected to run daily affairs of Spartans

15 Spartan Life Life ruled by discipline From childhood Spartans trained to be a military society Babies were examined and unfit babies were abandoned to die Wanted future soldiers – so they had to be healthy

16 Boys At age of seven – boys taken from family and sent to live in barracks to begin military training Coarse diet, exercised, rigid discipline Made youth excellent soldiers To develop cunning they were encouraged to steal food – if caught they were beaten At 20 a man could marry but had to live in the barracks for another ten years and eat there until he was 40

17 Women Girls also had a rigorous upbringing Expected to produce healthy sons for the army Required to exercise and keep bodies fit Had to obey husband and father They did have right to inherit property Men were occupied with war so the women took care of running the estate

18 Sparta Alone Isolated themselves from other Greeks Looked down on trade and wealth Did not let their citizens to travel Little use for art or new ideas Admired for military skills their life was not imitated by other Greeks “Spartans were willing to die for their society because there was no reason to live”

19 Athens Located in Attica, north of Peloponnesus Evolved from monarchy to aristocracy Landowners had power and they chose officials, judged court cases, dominated the assembly People became upset with the power of the land owning nobles They wanted more rights in Athens Athens became a democracy due to the discontent of the people

20 Athens Democracy – government by the people Different type of democracy then we have Solon – appointed to the position of archon – chief official – made reforms Outlawed debt slavery and freed those sold into slavery for debt

21 Solon Economic Reforms – encouraged the export of wine and olive oil Helped farmers by increasing demand for products Even with all of Solon’s improvements most positions were only open to wealthy and citizenship was still limited

22 Unrest People were still unhappy – this led to tyrants - taking control by force – Had support from the merchants and poor because they would pass reforms to help these people Tyrants often governed well – word now means a vicious and brutal ruler

23 Pisistratus Athenian Tyrant – seized power in 536 BC Gave farmers loans and land that was taken from nobles Building projects gave jobs to the poor Weakened aristocracy by giving the poor more power

24 Cleisthenes Broadened role of citizens role in government Set up a council of 500 – members chosen from all citizens over 30 Made the assembly an official legislature – law making body Debated laws before approving or rejecting them All male citizens were members and expected to participate

25 Limited Democracy Athenian Democracy was limited compared to modern standards Only citizens could participate in government Citizens were only land holding men Women, merchants, foreigners, slaves excluded Gave people more input than any other society of the time

26 Women of Athens No role in politics “The man is by nature fitter for command than the female just as an older person is superior to a younger, more mature person” – Aristotle Most people accepted this view Most important role was in religion Participated in sacred ceremonies and it was considered vital for society

27 Women In wealthy homes women managed the estates Spun, wove, cared for children, prepared food Lived in seclusion and were rarely seen in public Slaves were sent to the market or to the well to get water Poor women worked outside the home, tending sheep, spinning wool, weaving, potters

28 Youth Girls received little if any formal education Boys went to school if their family could afford it Learned to read, write, music, poetry, public speaking – as citizens would have to voice their views Received military training but not like Spartans Athens focused on acquiring knowledge

29 Common Culture Lived divided but they shared commonalties – same language, honored same heroes, same festivals, prayed to the same gods

30 Religion Greeks were polytheistic Gods lived on Mt. Olympus in northern Greece Zeus was the most powerful – ruled over godly and human affairs Children – Ares – war, Aphrodite – love, Athena – wisdom, gave her name to Athens

31 Held festivals to honor gods and goddesses Processions, sacrifices, feasts, performances, singing, athletic competitions To find out the will of the gods, they consulted oracles – priests or priestesses that could speak to the gods

32 Foreigners As trade grew they came in contact with outsiders Called them Barbaroi – people who did not speak Greek – felt superior to them Barbarian – comes from this term “Barbarians” – Phoenicians and Egyptians, who the Greeks borrowed ideas and inventions from

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