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Fermentation and respiration lab. Outline of the day 1.Turn in your lab reports at the front –More than 10 minutes late = bad 2.Any questions on last.

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Presentation on theme: "Fermentation and respiration lab. Outline of the day 1.Turn in your lab reports at the front –More than 10 minutes late = bad 2.Any questions on last."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fermentation and respiration lab

2 Outline of the day 1.Turn in your lab reports at the front –More than 10 minutes late = bad 2.Any questions on last week’s lab? 3.Quiz 4.Introduction to the lab 5.Lab! 6.Check out Get a stamp Make sure I mark you down for attendance

3 Quiz Ends 10 minutes after it’s started –Ends at: ____

4 Lab this week! Exploring metabolism! –Fermentation –Factors that affect enzyme reaction rates –Heat production by seedlings –Oxygen consumption by insects

5 Yeast Fermentation Yeast normally do oxidative metabolism –Just like us (glucose + O 2 -> CO 2 + H 2 O) When yeast run out of O 2 –They do fermentation, producing alcohol and CO 2 Missing image: Image showing the reactions of anaerobic metabolism in yeast

6 Metabolism – the minute summary Glycolysis –Glucose -> Pyruvate –Produces 2 ATP Glucose -> -> Pyruvate -> -> NADH & FADH 2 -> ->ATP Krebs cycle –Big cycle with many reactions –Produces CO 2 Electron transport chain –Uses NADH, FADH 2 to produce ATP –Consumes O 2, produces H 2 O Missing image: Image showing mitochondria that can help illustrate the above reactions..

7 TCA cycle We’re going to look at just one reaction. Citric acid cycle ccbyasa by Mike Jones at

8 Key experimental point Normal reaction: Our experiment: –We’re substituting DPIP for FAD Succinate Fumarate FADFADH 2 Succinate Fumarate DPIP (blue color) DPIPH 2 (colorless)

9 Color change will indicate the reaction’s progress As the reaction progresses, our solution will change from blue to clear –But this change will be too small to see, so we’ll use spectrophotometers Succinate Fumarate DPIP (blue color) DPIPH 2 (colorless)

10 Measuring oxygen consumption How does it work? –Insects consume oxygen Literally remove it from the atmosphere –(use it for oxidative respiration) –Insects product carbon dioxide Add it to the atmosphere –(product of oxidative respiration) –KOH absorbs carbon dioxide So, the volume of gas in the chamber will reduce by the amount of oxygen consumed (Note: This picture is of a different setup than we will use) KOH Photo of Manduca sexta by Marc Perkins

11 What are mealworms? They’re beetle larvae! Mealworms ccbynd by hans s at Adult by attirb by from

12 Key points NaF is an enzyme inhibitor Remember how pipettes work Practice with the spectrophotometer –Time is critical For respiration –KOH is a chemical that absorbs carbon dioxide So the volume of gas in the chamber will reduce as the insect metabolizes

13 Before you leave Clean up your work area –Wash glassware and store upside down Show me your lab report so I can stamp it –Need to have all data fields filled in –Complete at home and then turn in at the beginning of next lab Remember that we’ll have a quiz at the beginning of the next class –6-7 questions on today’s lab –3-4 questions on the lab we’ll do next week

14 Notes for the instructor: Add any relevant cleanup instructions to the final slide (that slide is a generic one I’m adding to each presentation).

15 License information This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit sa/3.0/us/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. The slides in this presentation were originally created by Marc C. Perkins ( You are free to use, modify, and distribute these slides according to the terms of the Creative Commons license (e.g., you must attribute the slides, no commercial uses are allowed, and future distributions must be licensed under a similar license). Attribution should be given to Marc C. Perkins (and any later editors), including a link back to Marc’s current website. This applies both while distributing the slides and during use of the slides; attribution during use can be satisfied by, for instance, placing small text on at least one of the slides that has been shown (see below for an example). Slides in this presentation based on those created by Marc C. Perkins.

16 History August 2007: Marc Perkins released first version. (If you modify these slides and redistribute them, add your information to the list)

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