Chapter 11 Section 2 State of Atmosphere. Temperature vs. Heat Temperature: measures the movement of molecules  Faster = Warmer  Slower = Colder  Measured.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 11 Section 2 State of Atmosphere. Temperature vs. Heat Temperature: measures the movement of molecules  Faster = Warmer  Slower = Colder  Measured."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 11 Section 2 State of Atmosphere

2 Temperature vs. Heat Temperature: measures the movement of molecules  Faster = Warmer  Slower = Colder  Measured in o F, o C, K

3 Heat Heat: transfer of energy from one object to another due to difference in temperature  Heat fuels the atmospheric process and temperature measures it Dew Point: temp. to which air must be cooled to reach saturation, Condensation

4 Vertical Temperature Change & Density Temp decreases about 10 o C every 1000 meters Dry adiabatic lapse rate:  rate at which unsaturated air to which no heat is added or removed will cool Air continues rising – will cool to Lifted condensation Level (LCL)  Corresponds to the base of clouds  Rate at which saturated air cools is the Moist adiabatic rate 6 o C every 1000

5 Pressure-Temp-Density Relationship Direct Relationship  Temp & Pressure  As Temp rises, so does pressure Inverse Relationship  Temp & Density  As Temp rises, density falls

6 Pressure-Temp-Density Relationship Temperature is proportional to ratio of pressure to density  Decreases with altitude increase

7 Temp Inversions Increase temp with height in atmospheric layer  Colder land not heating up the air causing a lower temp in a lower altitude Produces a cap in the atmosphere keeping in pollution

8 Wind and Humidity Wind:  Imbalance in earths Temperature  Cool air being less dense sinks and forces the warm air upward  Imbalances create areas of high & low pressure Humidity  Amount of water vapor in air  Relatvie humidity: ratio of water vapor in a volume of air relative to how much waer vapor that volume of air is holding

9 Relative Humidity At 20 o C a cubic meter can hold a total of 17 g of water vapor. What is the air’s relative humidity if it holds only 6 g of water? 6 g / 17 g = 0.35 or 35%


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