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1 Going From Good to Great: Cooperation, Collaboration, and Continual Learning Mark A. Satorius, Director Office of Federal and State Materials and Environmental.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Going From Good to Great: Cooperation, Collaboration, and Continual Learning Mark A. Satorius, Director Office of Federal and State Materials and Environmental."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Going From Good to Great: Cooperation, Collaboration, and Continual Learning Mark A. Satorius, Director Office of Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs

2 The National Materials Program Less than 1000 NRC and Agreement State staff ensure the safe and secure use of radioactive materials nationally –More than 22,000 specific material licenses –Broad range of medical, commercial and academic uses –38 separate regulatory programs 50 years old and still going strong Quality leadership and staff 2

3 3 Forward Focus Cooperation –Progression of the AS Program –States Helping States Collaboration –Rulemakings, guidance, policy statements Continual Learning –Emphasis on Lessons Learned (IR, IMPEP) –Event Notification

4 Cooperation …the flywheel effect…using positive momentum to build on current successes. 4

5 50 Years AgoToday The Agreement State Program

6 6 States Helping States Similarity of Programs Geographical location Synergy Leveraging of knowledge OAS’s role –OAS Monthly Call – OAS Annual Meeting

7 Collaboration …early and substantive involvement in ongoing activities. 7

8 8 Rulemaking and Rulemaking Guidance Working Group/Steering Committee Participation  Part 35 (Attestation and other items)  In-Situ Leaching  Part 61-Site specific analysis  Part 40-Integrated Safety Analysis  Part 40.22-Distribution of Source Materials to Exempt Persons  Part 37-Physical Security of Byproduct Material

9 9 Policy Statements Principles and Policy of the AS Program Abnormal Occurrences LLW Volume Reduction Medical Uses of Byproduct Material Protection Of Cesium-137 Chloride Sources Safety Culture Consumer Product Policy Adequacy and Compatibility of the AS program and associated guidance documents

10 10 Adequacy and Compatibility Policy Statements Currently updating the Policy Statements and associated guidance documents. Draft Policy Statements submitted to the Commission in Sept. 2012 Public comment period of 75 days Provide the Commission proposed Final Policy Statements in 2013 Associated guidance documents will be available for public comment in 2013

11 Continual Learning … confronting the brutal facts…promoting awareness of emerging trends and potential issues. 11

12 12 Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program Effective tool of evaluation of state and regional material programs. Revision of MD 5.6. Evolving effectiveness of IMPEP –Are we looking at the right performance criteria? –Does the IMPEP process identify performance issues early?

13 13 Event Notifications For the most part, states provide event notifications that supply sufficient information. Noted lack of sufficient information in some cases. Importance? –Health and safety or security issue? –What is the significance of the event? –What is the state doing to respond?

14 14 Event Notifications (cont.) Information used to –Identify generic issues –In preparation of NRC annual performance reports to Congress and IAEA. Work closely together to ensure that our commitment to safety and security is accurately assessed and communicated.

15 Radiography Overexposures 15 Trend of increasing radiography overexposures What do we do to bring awareness to this issue? –Communication –Education –Oversight from a different perspective

16 16 Final Considerations Build on current successes Early and substantive involvement in ongoing activities Identification of generic issues and lessons learned Budget Challenges Knowledge Management

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