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Baseline assessment: Key findings Dr Jane Carthey Human Factors and Patient Safety Consultant Susan Burnett, Patient Safety Researcher & Consultant.

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Presentation on theme: "Baseline assessment: Key findings Dr Jane Carthey Human Factors and Patient Safety Consultant Susan Burnett, Patient Safety Researcher & Consultant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Baseline assessment: Key findings Dr Jane Carthey Human Factors and Patient Safety Consultant Susan Burnett, Patient Safety Researcher & Consultant

2 A framework for safety measurement and monitoring Vincent, Burnett and Carthey, 2013

3 Methodology Document review InterviewsAnalysis Summary Report

4 Findings Varied awareness of the framework Variation in methods used High volume of information Significant QI activity CCG maturity on sensitivity to operations

5 Diversity Past harm – Some Boards interrogate divisional performance variability. Others do not. – Too many measures in some sites? Reliability – Some measures of reliability for care bundles – More to do to develop measures of reliability of clinical systems Sensitivity to operations – ‘Tell us today’ ‘HospiCom’, junior doctors, student nurses, entry and exit surveys in mental health etc

6 Diversity Anticipation and preparedness – Wide differences in measures across sites. – Generally, We are not there yet Integration and learning – DATIX incidents with staffing levels, clinical audit findings etc. – Big differences in maturity of dashboards – Generally, still a long way to go on this dimension of the Framework

7 Common goals A whole health economy approach to understanding past harm & reliability Sensitivity to operations: Need for more triangulation with other data sources at Trust level: How might we use soft intelligence intelligently? Anticipation and preparedness: To increase our focus on this dimension, improve our foresight and ability to act before harm occurs. Integration and learning: To improve feedback to frontline healthcare teams & to improve how we bring safety data from the other dimensions of the Framework in a coherent way. Spreading learning in how to measure for improvement

8 Examples of good practice Past Harm - Christie: Mortality review process. CCG lead involvement in Trust serious incident review panels Integration and learning Tameside: Review of 2 years safety data formed basis for whole organisational development plan Anticipation and preparedness - Wigan: Staff training data used to anticipate erosions in safety Salford safety culture survey in operating theatres Sensitivity to operations – Tameside: virtual safety radar screen East Lancs CCG: GP reporting system Reliability - Lancashire Teaching: ‘Guardianship’ Chester CCG: review of AQuA reliability data on sepsis

9 Past Harm: How might we maximise the learning from past harm data (improving incident investigation, understanding human factors etc.) Integration and learning: How might we triangulate and integrate data in a more meaningful way? Anticipation and preparedness: How might we create more real time safety measurement and monitoring data that supports us to act before things go wrong? Sensitivity to operations: How might we use soft intelligence in an intelligent way? Reliability: How might we ensure we are applying reliability measures appropriately? (i.e. understanding the limitations, which measures matter?)

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