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HUMAN PERFORMANCE By Michelle M. Currier Director, Public Relations U.S. Army Contracting Agency.

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Presentation on theme: "HUMAN PERFORMANCE By Michelle M. Currier Director, Public Relations U.S. Army Contracting Agency."— Presentation transcript:

1 HUMAN PERFORMANCE By Michelle M. Currier Director, Public Relations U.S. Army Contracting Agency

2 Human Performance Psychology of Human Performance studies how people can do whatever they do better and/or faster Used by Human Resources specialists to help management and employees learn new skills or improve current abilities Sports psychologist use to help both amateurs and professionals improve their athletic skills

3 Human Performance Primary tools of human improvement –Training and coaching Primary issues in human performance of concern to business: –Organization, productivity, efficiency, timeliness, cost-effectiveness and profitability

4 Human Performance Primary issues in human performance for sports: –Focus, goal setting, incremental goal directed achievement (step-by-step achievement of smaller goals leading to success in an ultimate goal), accurate replication of experience (practice of behaviors modeled on the success of experts at achieving a target goal) and strategic planning

5 Human Performance Focus on Sports and Business but also applies to any endeavor or achievement –Example: Doubling your reading speed is a skill that applies to students, teachers as well as its importance to the business issues of productivity and efficiency.

6 Who’s Interested in the New HP? Human Resource specialists Trainers Psychologists Individuals interested in Human Performance improvement for business and career development

7 Personal Improvement “The process of growth is an effortful and difficult one. This is because it is conducted against a natural resistance, against a natural inclination to keep things the way they were, to cling to the old maps and old ways of doing things, to take the easy path.” - M. Scott Peck, The Road Less Traveled

8 Personal Improvement Continuous personal improvement means we often outgrow our own standards and what we previously thought was acceptable. We need to find the combination of reflection, networking, participating in learning events, training, discussions, taking on new assignments and responsibilities, experimenting or whatever that keep us stretching and growing.

9 Personal Improvement Continuous learning, growing and developing helps us find the path that is personal and unique to us. Ways of doing things depend on tools and techniques. This ranges from how to operate a machine, use a software program, deal with a customer, manage a process,, cook a meal, or resolve a conflict. There are no tools or techniques for ways of being. We need to keep searching, growing and developing those ways that are true to our inner selves and take us where we want to go.

10 Personal Growth Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. Without any obstacles, we would not be as strong as what we could have been as illustrated by “The Moth”

11 Ten Commandments of Managing Stress Thou Shalt Manage Thyself Thou Shalt Control Thy Environment by Controlling Who and What is Surrounding you Thou Shalt Love Thyself Thou Shalt Reward Thyself Thou Shalt Exercise Thy Body

12 Ten Commandments of Managing Stress (con’t) Thou Shalt be Aware of Thyself Thou Shalt Rest Thyself Thou Shalt be Aware of Thyself Thou Shalt Feed Thyself and Thou Shalt Not Poison Thy Body Thou Shalt Enjoy Thyself

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