Revisions needed to FEAST to provide info for Techfit Alan Duncan Techfit Development Meeting May 23-24 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Revisions needed to FEAST to provide info for Techfit Alan Duncan Techfit Development Meeting May 23-24 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revisions needed to FEAST to provide info for Techfit Alan Duncan Techfit Development Meeting May 23-24 2013

2 Data we need to derive from FEAST to feed into Techfit  Main constraint –Seasonality –Quantity –Quality  Dominant commodity –Beef –Dairy –Sheep/Goats –Pigs/poultry  Farming system –Pastoral –Agro-pastoral/mixed –Intensive/mixed (crop-livestock) –Landless  Core context attributes –Requirement for land –Requirement for labour –Requirement for cash credit –Requirement for inputs –Requirement for knowledge/skills

3 Seasonality  Consult seasonal calendar – estimate proportion of minimum availability to maximum availability –1.0 = 0 –>0.75 = 1 –>0.5 = 2 –>0.25 = 3 –>0.0 = 4  Is minimum in the dry/winter season? – Winter season scarcity  Is minimum in the growing season? – Growing season scarcity

4 Example

5 Quantity  If you place more basal feed in front of your animals would they consume it? –With extreme enthusiasm = 4 –With considerable interest = 3 –With some interest = 2 –Yes but not immediately = 1 –No = 0  Something also about interest in supplemental/high quality feed?

6 Quality  If you placed more basal feed in front of your animals would they consume it? –With extreme enthusiasm = 0 –With considerable interest = 1 –With some interest = 2 –Yes but not immediately = 3 –No = 4

7 Commodity focus  On a scale from 1 to 10 how important are the following enterprises to cash income: –Beef Fattening Breeding stock –Dairy –Sheep/Goats Fattening Breeding stock –Pigs/poultry –0-2 = 0 –2-4 = 1 –4-6 = 2 –6-8 = 3 –8-10 = 4

8 Farming system  Which of the following best describes the target group: –Pastoral –Agro-pastoral/mixed –Intensive/mixed (crop-livestock) –Landless

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